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How Nvidia Grew From Gaming To A.I. Giant, Now Powering ChatGPT

Thirty years ago, Taiwan immigrant Jensen Huang founded Nvidia with the dream of revolutionizing PCs and gaming with 3D …


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  • How can Nvidia be in trouble. Nvidia makes THE BEST graphics processor ever. There even in Nintendo Switch. High quality high end gaming systems – computers.
    I definitely remember when XBOX was released because I owned one AND HALO changed everything!! Especially if you had legitimate loudspeaker system with subwoofer


    Matteo Falcinelli, studente italiano arrestato a Miami. «Incaprettato e torturato per 13'». Le immagini choc

    Le scene di violenza sarebbero state riprese dalle bodycam indossate dagli agenti, anche quella all'interno della stazione di polizia, che il legale americano del giovane, origionario di Spoleto, è riuscito ad ottenere dalla procura solo il 12 aprile nell'ambito

    Altro che questo fanno molte divise sa bene che non sono amiche anche se costringi a farla uscire MONDO

    Matteo Falcinelli, studente italiano arrestato a Miami. «Incaprettato e torturato per 13'». Le immagini choc

    Le scene di violenza sarebbero state riprese dalle bodycam indossate dagli agenti, anche quella all'interno della stazione di polizia, che il legale americano del giovane, origionario di Spoleto, è riuscito ad ottenere dalla procura solo il 12 aprile nell'ambito

    Belgio stiliste

  • face matching req to make an accurate assessment

  • AI stocks will dominate 2024. Why I prefer NVIDIA is that they are better placed to maintain long term growth potential, and provide a platform for other AI companies. I know someone who has made more than 200% from NVIDIA. I'll also take these other recommendations you made.

  • Global Awareness drive Peace and Climate Action Campaign. Join our Campaign

  • 5-8-24 NBC announces Biden in Sturtevant, Wisconsin stating a new Micro Soft Data Center is being built for 3.3 billion dollars and will bring thousands of new jobs. President Joe Biden "Investing In America"

    "Everything that we are doing here in Racine County, Wisconsin, is also benefiting directly from the work of this White House and this president," Microsoft President Brad Smith said, singling out the infrastructure law, the Chips and Science Act and the White House's work to regulate artificial intelligence.

    Hitler would be proud of them. NAZI is government & business controlling/using the people.
    Here we have Biden, Microsoft AI, & BadTV = MSNBC, NBC, & CBS, doing a government take over insurrection.
    You saw the race riots instigated by BadTV burning/looting our towns, defund the police, got a weaponized DOJ for democrats.
    You see the open border to get foreign votes for Biden democrats.
    You are seeing AI control the BadTV media and government all as one. Notice how most all democrats act & vote as one.
    and now you are seeing tax payer government money make a big AI data center to manipulate and control "we the people".
    You are not an idiot, so you know what you saw.
    A vote for Biden is a vote for a very bad government forever.
    There will be no coming back from that.
    They will take your guns, then freedom of speech, & you will work for nothing as their slave with out knowing it.
    You have been warned.

  • I started selling my NVDA shares that I bought for $45 back in 2019 and i am sitting on roughly about $300k. Am i better off putting the money somewhere else or sit out and wait for a correction?

  • #Karrat massive pump around the corner 💥💥💥💥 soon 50$ for one coin 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 #KARRAT project number one definitely soon massive blast 🌋🌋🌋🌋#nvidia 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • He is a Electrical Engineer!There are some other Co.s manufacturing such GPU chips & AI enabled microprocessors

  • I can not understand this Vivek arya accent. He should make a little effort to speak english, this is not correct. Please improve your speaking skills, Vivek

  • Loved the breakdown. It's an amazing & effective video for binary trading

  • 5:33 the stock did not stay "largely flat" until recently. NVidia stock had multiple periods in its history where it's stock lost more than 70% of it's value in huge drawdowns. That resilience is a core component of what you see in modern-day NVidia. Yes, it has had an incredible run, but it has not been without its challenges.

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TechTrends Tom

TechTrends Tom

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