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  • Women’s track and field is a blessed to all men 🙌🏾👀😂

  • Masai looked great out of the blocks but it looked like the speed caught her off guard

  • Rooting for Alaysha Johnson! I hope she makes the team!🙌🏾🫶🏾😭💛

  • Even setting aside the DQ, JCQ was not in great form, especially the slow start.

  • Jasmine doesn’t look in tip top shape as she usually does 😢

  • It is so weird that Puerto Rico is a commonwealth of America but because it is not a state it is its own thing for Olympics etc

  • This commentator is always hating on Jasmine give the girl a break. She's ran more races than anybody this past 2 years. Yes PR is a commonwealth since it was taken by force at the hands of the U.S since 1898. The island has individual representations on all world sports just like other small islands. Keep being mad at Jasmine for literally being the most consistent hurdler.

  • It’s a false start if she hesitates? I thought it was if they go before the gun

  • Puerto Rico is not a country, Puerto Rico is a US territory.

  • Its truly a shame Alaysha Johnson is still not signed she's a good hurdler and very consistent. I just don't get it.

  • Could you have said something like, 'check out this surprise ending for the women's 100m hurdles' instead of giving the results in the title? Please…

  • Always some sh!t with us smh..with all the disadvantages we still gonna get it done!!! The Best women in the world 🌎 💯 Camacho!! #1 🇵🇷❤️‍🔥🇺🇸

  • Congratulations on the win but stop bleaching your skin

  • Who did shawty makeup? If me as man can point that out you know it’s bad

  • if you look closely Tonea flinched first then camacho-quinn reacted

  • T Amusan does false starts n is allowed to run n win Gold 🥇 what are rules for?? Paris please 🙏

  • They need to change that 2 false start, instead of 1, because that's Ridiculous 😮😮😮.

  • Aveces no creo en esas falsas salidas. Jazmine fue la última en salir según vi la repetición y se la marcaron a ella.

  • Is ok Jasmine Camacho, we always LOOOOOOOOOOVE you. 🇵🇷💯♥️ YOU!!!

  • Look at ancient old referee who hold out sign, this is only happened in the USA.

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TechTrends Tom

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