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Apple Vision Pro – Is it worth $3500?

My full impressions of the Apple Vision Pro AR and VR headset! I spend a LOT of time trying to make my videos as concise, …


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  • Took me a little longer to put this together than I expected, but as always, I hope it was worth the wait – I need to sleep now been up for 24 hours lol – love you guys
    Also thank you for 15 Million! ♥ Btw I JUST finished testing out how good Apple's customer service actually IS – this will surprise you:

  • I can tell that the video creator is a Apple fan 100%.. (good or bad).. the biggest bad thing to me is the 2 hour battery life.. you alreday went external on battery so why not make it 2x the size

  • I was like sitting and thinking for like an hour after this video the i've seen the whole fututre in front of me that was awesome.😁

  • I think even though I’m as addicted as the next person. Life was better before smart phones. Now we live in a world where all we see is people and their phones. This in its further iterations will wreck society. I know deep down even you agree with this Arun

  • Can you give me a MacBook? 😅

  • The moment you realize you're already wearing the headset

  • I’ve said this earlier today on TikTok and I still stand by it. We survived without Apple Vision Pro. We don’t need it. I actually thing it’s going to be a/cause problem(s) in the future. It also looks very lame.

  • Let them add advancements from the latest neural-link tech and it will be perfect

  • This not even worth 200$ whit this look 😅 If it looks like normal glasses than many I will be interested for 3500k , people look like idiots on the street whit this on head 😅😅

  • But, do we want to be robots or Human Beings ? Is anyone still awake in the midst of all this shit or do you take on everything they throw at you ? Please let us know.
    Greetings from Italy

  • i think that like sombody and your just watching a movie

  • Honestly find the concept sad and dystopian it just feels a bit much

  • This is gonna be the gaming system for vegies.

  • I like that apples usability makes everythig idiotproof (everything they touch), but I find, and I love hightech, apple vision really stupid.

  • Its not worth the $3,500. Maybe if it came with a full body suit. So you can feel the thing in the virtual world. And what those thing can do to you. Which it doesn't have. It should be $700 at most. Probably even lower.

  • Have you reviewed the new Xreal Air2 AR glasses, or do you plan to? Tempted to buy them based on the 10% cost compared to Apple vision and lightweight normal glasses looking form factor but some complain of eye fatigue being worse than normal vr and some claim the xbeam is still buggy but almost all reviews look like sponsored videos so it’s really hard to judge if they’re a good buy or just getting good pr that’s staged. Love to see you give them a grilling and get a balanced review

  • Anybody willing to spend $3500 to buy an Apple Vision Pro is out of his mind.

  • Basically it’s a iPhone 16 on its side in a headset.

  • OK OK a little too much fluff here my man it's apples VR that's it it's apples attempt / game system !!!! Apple TV was a flop lol

  • Even after the apple vision pro is out for public, i think only this video makes sense. Cant wait for aruns hands on review

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