World Health Organisation issues Omicron variant alert to South East Asian nations. WHO says nations must make efforts to curb …
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#breaking news asia
World Health Organisation issues Omicron variant alert to South East Asian nations. WHO says nations must make efforts to curb …
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#breaking news asia
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Important is to give all 1yr plus a Vaccine shot ASAP
Why to pay all PhD national institutes 7pc lakh lakh salary if they cannot create Vaccine for infant
If Covid19 returns now all IAS scientist of ICMR AIIMS must be sacked and all deaths due to Covid19 is mainly now for not giving vaccine to infant adolescents
High time gov stop focussing on adults and start Vaccination of infant adolescents
this variant has 30 mutations that has certain traits which can or cannot be immune to the current vaccine, It has already spread in Belgium and Japan. It's only matter of time until it spreads world wide. It is believed that it could also re-infect patients that were affected by former covid variants.
Thi should have been called chincrom
It’s a plot WHO with China 🇨🇳
China 🇨🇳
MSM are having actual orgasms over this – you would think their multi-millionaire space travelling owners want you plebs locked up and not polluting their planet
Good morning, I pray that God our Creator will protect many of us from succumbing to these variants: Omnicron, etc. Lord Jesus please calm our fears, sustain those who are jobless, experiencing financial challenges, forgive us our trespasses and social problems. Heal Your children that cry out to you and give us wisdom to make wise choices. We place our total trust in You Lord. Amen.
On the Brightside Xi will have to postpone he's Birthday Invasion of Taiwan 2022 as OMICRON Invades China
Why modi boycott or ban s.afrcan✈️🛩️ last year v sufferd a lot failed to prevent,
ugh take all three jabs.
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