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  • Net Zero
    Govt & Elites owning the Food & Energy Production!
    Kamala said itherself. It's about Popuation Reduction to have a better life for them

  • To people like Putin, fear and respect are the same thing. People like Putin only respect what they fear.


  • Bidens dumbass yet again has zero clue on whats coming out of his mouth what a dipshit

  • Bring Back Trump and Quickly… ☑️✅ 2024 or lose your country to these people who are equivalent to having Osama Bin Laden in the Whitehouse. the threat to the USA is Obama, Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, Garland, Wray operating as agents for the adversaries.

  • Thought you were going to do something about Climate change Biden! You keep saying it but what have you done in last four years but open borders and send billions to Ukraine

  • Climate change…"change" is right, remember one of Bidens crew said on nationwide TV "we will artificially inflate the price of gasoline, to $10/gallon if necessary, to get people to buy electric cars"….biden has to have "friends" in the electric vehicle industry, aka bribery….to influence his policy😢

  • Cleanest water and cleanest air. How delusional are American about their own country. Ignorance is truly part of their culture.

  • Nuclear war is the greatest threat to all. Biden's cherry picking is purely political. He must think everybody is stupid. It's his own ignorance that causes him to say things like this. Woke people will wake up if a nuclear event occurs and they can't get help from Biden as they are all tucked away in their bunkers.

  • BRICS movement started over 10 years ago, and yet, it's shocking news.

  • This was a great segment. I have always loved Pete Hegseth, a warrior. Colonel Mike Walsh is the same fine caliber

  • What a jerk you can't even hear him and I'm glad you can't he's so full of BS. They're going to have us in a war

  • the government has been fraudulent and corrupted from day one

  • Anybody with common sense knows that neither of these two are fit to run a toll booth, much less a country.

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TechTrends Tom

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