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Southeast Asia continues to burn in record heatwave

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#breaking news asia

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  • We Indians have money so heatwave is not a problem for us. Every house has its own Air Conditioning system. So heat is not a big deal. 🙂

  • There weather over here in SEA is wack, One second there's a heavy rain followed by a sunny day, the weather gods be like "I hope you like to sweat cos you have no choice"

  • I live on the equator line in Indonesia but the heat barely reached 35C while others reach 43C???

    how tf does that work, EL Nino is racist to Indonesians or smth 😂😂😂

  • Ya ALLAH…this is a part of the MESSAGES I RECIEVED FROM ALLAH, the only TRUE HOLYGOD…

    Thanks for this video.

  • Yet the governments have plenty of money for military and politicians

  • This is how the US government uses the HAARP weather weapon!

  • this is why country in the global south are more under developed compare to the north, because the heat make us more reserve and the heat really drain our energy. in cold weather, you can always wear layer of clothes and make fire to feel warm. but in hot country, we cant find any solution to protect us from heat and humidity. we progress slowly because we have to

  • The Judgment is comming, run to Jesus people, only He can save you…

  • 外星人入侵地球影響天氣!Alien invaded the earth affected climate !

  • Northen Malaysia starting to rain from late April so its slightly better now

  • The consequences of cutting down of trees pls plant more trees otherwise it's going to effect more

  • communist governments have zero accountability… this is what happens.

  • My thoughts+ are with those suffering such hardship

  • As someone living in Southeast Asia, basically yeah

  • fun fact… southeast asia is the region currently closest to the sun 😅

  • There is a simple device for this, called a airco machine😂

  • BS…Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia is having Global Cooling not Global Warming.
    Its raining almost everyday.

  • Ialhun pyllip iakaei u bomb ba lah Sarang lah dn sha poh khyndew da ki snem

  • Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) can solve this problem by allowing the Pacific Ocean to remove more heat from the atmosphere and generate carbon neutral electricity at the same time.

  • Global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions contribute to Climate change and Global Warming.
    Now, which country has contributed the most carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions ?
    Here is the list from Our World in Data CO2 emissions on the cumulative carbon dioxide emissions over the period from 1751 to 2017.
    🇺🇸 USA – 399 billion tonnes of CO2 (25%)
    🇪🇺 EU-28 – 353 billion tonnes of CO2 (22%)
    🇨🇳 China – 200 billion tonnes of CO2 (12.7%)
    🇯🇵 Japan – 62 billion tonnes of CO2 (4%)
    🇮🇳 India – 48 billion tonnes of CO2 (3%)

  • we filipinos keep cutting down trees and then complain about the heat :/ we're doing this to ourselves

  • Climate change denial is going to worsen this situation. Governments need to stop ignoring this crisis before it's too late.

  • I'm living in SEA and let me tell you, it's like being pressure cooked alive.

  • How long are they gonna refuse climate change?

  • We are the only species that recognise the issue. Yet unable to effectively tackle it as a collective.

  • planting more tresss lets the wealth giving the small country to more planting tree . only tree can save this planet not save just one country

  • 😇😇😇🕉️🕉️🕉️🌧️🌧️🌧️🌹🌹🌹🙏🙏🙏🤗🤗🤗

  • Just recently Brazil almost burned to a crisp in a disgusting heatwave too. Best of luck to the folks in Asia, I never want to experience those temps again.

  • And a lot of people STILL dont believe in global warming.

  • Long sleeves for school in that heat is cruel

  • In rajsthan 🇮🇳 India temperature around 47 to 48 degree and we drink ☕ in road in my city is melt down 😂

  • You should come to Romania. We are using our radiators during the night in the month of May.

  • Maybe the civilized world running A/C units contributes to the heat? Just a thought

  • It's crazy how everyone's talking about heat wave but no one's actually gonna plant a tree. 😢
    All these programmes should rather plant trees & encourage citizens to do the same. Changing school timings, supplying water etc are just temporary fixes to the larger problem and is like ignoring the bigger destruction / misery yet to come. Talking isn't enough now, taking action for Climate change has become crucial now.
    If this doesn't open your eyes then nothing will, just look around & see what we humans have done. 😢😢

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