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Russia’s efforts to interfere in the European elections | DW News

Efforts to counter Russian disinformation are moving into overdrive in the remaining days before the European Parliament …


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#breaking news europe

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  • This is not russian disinformation. We are simply not like you, BlackRock.

  • The West outdone 🤔 Oh ya by Dictatorships. What ya going to do what ya going to do?

  • western media talking about disinformations 🥴😵😵‍💫

  • I thought banning media you don't like is undemocratic

  • 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺❤💪❤💪❤💪❤

  • Who is putins friend Rodulgin who is the wealthiest cellist in the world? How many bag en does putin have? What about shell companies in various connections to putin. It is natural to be scared to report the truth because putin puts an end to truth in various forms. Sometimes people lean to far out of windows or bump into sharp objects many times over or perhaps eat something that doesn't agree with them. Sometimes it is deliberately blatant in order to send a message.
    We must treat putin as we would any lying thug not like a legitimate statesman.
    Only recently he threatened the west again with his large missile. Are we gluttons for punishment? If a partner did such things and a person returned love who is to blame? We are enabling his aggressiveness and self delusion.

  • funny how open they talk about censorship! only the empire knows best! there is exactly one good narrative! and that comes from the west!
    at the same time they mix "democracy" in there? why? what does that have to do with anything?

  • Excuses have been made. DW will blame Russia if their side loses in the election.

  • USA does not trust U.S citizens. American does not even care if usa is corrupted

  • in Italy we don't need Russian fakes .. we have quite all the media and political parties they have full faith in Putin .. we love Putin ..fascism is still a good chance in Italy .. no Nato .. no Europe .. false peace fans ..

  • Why even have X? It's from Elon Musk who is in deep with China. He has no problem with using Chinese workers who are oppressed in their freedom of speech and takes loans from the Chinese banks. He also bought aluminium from Russia before sanctions. He tried to stop aid for Ukraine too with republican lawmakers on X.

  • USA Canada Australia British European Taiwan India election accuse Russia or China interference but when USA interfere n change regime it’s for democracy

  • Lol! After banning all Russian platforms and spending 3 years of anti Russian newsreporting.

  • It's so ironic that DW is reporting on this, and yet they ignore that their comment section is FULL of Russian disinformation.

  • Trump and MAGA supporting Putin should anger all Americans.

    We must stand up against Trump and MAGA to save our great country.

  • enjoy your "democracy " europe.
    in this " moredn european democracy "….if you CAN NOT DEBATE someones ideas….you BAN HIS VIEWS AND CALL THEM "DISSINFORMATION ".


  • Right wing winning = interference
    Left wing winning = all fine

  • West interferes constantly and openly so they really need to shut it down

  • Even after shutting down all Russian news in Europe, so called freedom of speech folks are scared.

  • Just like in the US, the left pulls out the Russian bogeyman whenever conservatives are becoming popular.

  • Always blaming a third party because the population reject your policies and doctrine.

  • So they admit that Russia is extremely powerful?

  • europeans playing the victim is always good for a laugh. you wont find better comedy on comedy central!

  • Powered by Putler Bots fueled by rubles

  • the irony of europe and the west acusing others of disinformation

  • This is serious, and I don't see much being done about it in US or Europe.

  • It is quite paradoxical that the Russia mafia antidemocracy state uses democracy for trying to dominate and subjugate the free countries in the world.

  • Us interfered the elections in many countries, and Russia is taking revenge now 🇷🇺❤️

  • Ok so a network financed by Moscow is a big problem somehow, what about all the networks sponsored by western countries? That is not a problem? Dont know about other people, but I like to hear both sides of the story and then draw my own conclusion. In Europe now-a-days it looks like you can only hear their side of the story and Brussels does everything in their power to prevent you from hearing the other side, including censorship. As long as these European guests of this Russian network tell their own story and not something handed to them by Moscow, I dont see the problem. And if a Russian network is willing to publish it because it suits their side of the story, why cant they? As far as I know we still have the right to free speech, also in the Tsjech Republic.

  • Remember that Georgain "Russian" law? The one everyone in the EU was against and it would endanger EU membership for Georgia?
    That law could have prevented this if the Tsjechs had it. 🤫

  • 👹👹kremlin👹👹gremlin👹👹

  • Just do what Russia does and block all opposing comments. If they continue, charge them with a crime.

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