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Russian octopus reaches for Europe | Break the Fake

European Parliament elections are scheduled for the weekend, and will run from June 6 to June 9. The campaign is in full swing.

Title: Russian Octopus: A Metaphorical Reach Towards Europe Amidst Geopolitical Tensions

In the realm of geopolitics, metaphors often serve as potent tools to encapsulate complex relationships. A recent article by Break the Fake, a fact-checking organization, discusses a metaphorical "Russian octopus" reaching towards Europe, a vivid depiction of the ongoing geopolitical tensions between Russia and its Western neighbors.

The article, while not presenting new information per se, sheds light on the ongoing power struggles and strategic maneuvers between Russia and Europe. The "octopus" metaphor is used to illustrate Russia's multifaceted influence across Europe, extending its reach through various means, including energy supplies, cyber attacks, disinformation campaigns, and political alliances.

The article emphasizes that this metaphorical octopus is not a new phenomenon but rather a continuous and evolving process. It underscores the importance of understanding and addressing these influences to maintain a balanced and secure European environment.

In the context of current events, the article serves as a timely reminder of the intricate web of geopolitical relationships and the need for vigilance and strategic diplomacy. As Europe navigates its relations with Russia, it is crucial to separate fact from fiction, a task that fact-checking organizations like Break the Fake play a pivotal role in achieving.

In conclusion, the article 'Russian octopus reaches for Europe | Break the Fake' provides a concise and insightful analysis of the ongoing geopolitical tensions between Russia and Europe. While the information presented is not entirely new, the article offers a fresh perspective on the metaphorical "Russian octopus" and its implications for Europe's future.

See video for more information…
#breaking news europe

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  • Threaten the West with nukes? Your military corruption was based on the assumption that war wouldn't happen. Sheet metal body armor and egg carton reactive armor on your tanks? Now imagine that "no chance we'll have a nuclear exchange" figured into your corruption and , most likely, your missile nukes are hollow tubes. You want to play that game?

  • The "refugees" must be instructed to behave like this, if they really want to get into a European country, some acceptable standards must be followed.


  • I see a slight likeness between the emigrants throwing stuff at people on Polish territory and their employers shelling ukrainians on their land. Both acts of aggression. Now ukraine finally got permission to defend themselves. What with the terrorists, oh sorry, emigrants?

  • They dancer's where like a 50 year old Madonna who forgot what to do.

  • The more putin tries to scare Europe, is a total reflection of how afraid he is. He is afraid of russian history; leader loses war, leader dies. Excellent presentation delivery Benjamin!

  • You know Russia is always talking about nuking someone else… Well, what would Poland do if we nuked them? What they should be asking their citizens of Russia is “ What would the Russian population do if they were nuke??? How many of them would die??? And for those that didn’t die where would they go??? How would they survive??? You see they always ask those questions of another country, but they don’t ask those questions to their own people??? Because Russia doesn’t care about their people… Over half 1 million Russians have died in this war that they cannot win… Yet they keep sending more soldiers to die on a foreign soil… Also for Russian soldier who dies no problem. The government will give their widow and their orphans refrigerator… Or it may just be a box of fish or a stolen coat from Ukraine…

  • Great format Dudes 💪😡. Now there's some smart content 😊. Bring it on 🔱😡

  • I watch this program out of sheer amusement. It’s like watching a junior high school production on world affairs. Naive, immature and clumsy humour hosted by awkward un notables…

  • The polish gov. sould made the walls on the border like the GDR from east germany.
    once ago when the ppl stand on the border fence the ppl are not away from the border, they are on the territory of the gdr so they shoot the ppl and say u are illegal on the area of the gdr not on a wall on the demarcation line, so the rules of the gdr are

  • Fascism encourages contempt for democratic institutions, particularly elections and the rule of law. Instead, it calls for the majority group to turn over power to a strongman and his lieutenants, while glorifying the use of violence in support of fascist myths and goals.
    Slava Ukraini. Slava Poland.🇵🇱🇺🇦🇺🇸

  • hi..again….the military does not get political… russia military have air, land and sea restrictions …keep an eye on those…
    thank you…

  • When russia loses this war on Ukraine and democracy the sanctions must stay until they give up all nuclear weapons

  • War criminals always end up before the World Courts of Justice.

  • Border defense: Nature does the job well, A thorny bush that grows very quickly is the Firethorn (Pyracantha). This shrub is known for its rapid growth and striking orange to red berries. Firethorn not only provides quick coverage and privacy but also attracts birds and other wildlife with its berries. It has sharp thorns, making it a good choice for a natural hedge or as a protective plant. Solideres, get the seeds privately and seed them during your patrol.

  • I thought they outlawed lewd behavior. Maybe she should be 'talked' to.

  • The world is a wonderful place! Europe, united, will not be defeated!

  • Using a SM podium as topic to enjoy kids, I don't get it !! 🤔

  • As always, love you TVP! Need this news everywhere. Pure insanity out of russia like always.
    Also, did anyone else scoff when our reporter did? Thought that was pretty funny.

  • 07:13 .Estonian border at Rusiia is 1km . St Perburg 135 km = if they hit us then that radiactive cloud get in side St.Petersburg = 5 million get . …..

  • Wir sind Deutschland.
    Wir schützen –🇺🇦 — Kämpfer der Freiheit.

    Wir sind stark – gemeinsam.
    ______ Slava Ukraina …

  • Russland ist zu schwach für einen direkten Angriff, darum also hybride Kriegsführung. Man hat zunehmend den Eindruck dieser Staat existiert nur um Böses zu schaffen. Mit dem Segen seiner 'Kirche', natürlich.

  • Sorry they have fecked up these elections. They have given the asylum seekers and non Irish once they are residing in the country a vote in these elections. So they are saying vote for us we got you here. They are collecting them from the hotels and other places and bringing them to vote. They are bringing in translators into the booths to help them vote

  • What nonsense. The Russians stated clearly their objectives for Ukraine right at the start of the war. They have NO intention of attacking ant other countries. Of course, if NATO continues to ramp up acts against Russia, then they WILL fight back. Very, very simple.
    They have stuck to their plan entirely. It is the US and NATO who want to create WW3.

  • Makes me wonder where Are all those children . Very sad for them. Thank you 💛 Benjamin Lee.

  • TVP W. – U get a 👍👍👍or more for this upload – I Still miss Ms. Dollface – what has happened to the crew previously manning TVP W. but under the former government – !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🥸😎🤓

  • Like those nukes even work. Seriously, with what we have seen in this war with Russian maintenance, all those nukes are 40 years old at best most of them are liquid fuel rockets which require twice the maintenance of solid fuel rockets. If those are the new nukes Russia has made during the Ukraine war, they probably have washing machine microchips which means their likely to miss the target completely or break down over Russia. Finally, Poland has Pat A.A. batteries those missiles ain't going to make it past the Baltic Sky. Stop postering it's embarrassing at this point.

  • Remember the old American Army saying while to Vietnamese villagers… "In order to save you, we must burn your village". Russia is just doing copy-pasta…

  • About the children,, puti is desperately trying to get out of his "War Criminal" charge. puti desperately wants to travel for attention without fear of being arrested.

  • I'm from NZ. Our childrens entertainment is usually, well childish.

  • Do the migrants think attacking border guards is really going to get them into the EU?

  • The problem about the fake news stories about Polish mass mobilization was then picked up by an EU candidate-from Hungary of course-stating the EU was next to call for mass mobilization!! Does NO ONE FACT CHECK ANYMORE??

  • Kids aren't usually happy to watch celebrations like this one, in my opinion. They'll like it if it's a mascot or any other animated figure.

  • 1) rusha steals UA children from their parents in occupied areas far from the front – and say they want to "save them"? – 2) rusha steals newborn babies from their mothers in occupied territories if the mothers don't "voluntarily" have a rushan passport. 😳 – 3) Want to attack Poland and expects that the UK, France and the US won't react? Have the rushans forgotten how the UK, France and the US went to war and ultimately crushed Germany over Poland? rusha's short memory will be their doom.

  • USA nothing send Poland because They have refuges in Texas

  • Yes french amics britons will not fight in Ukraine but polish baltic romanian yes

  • This is better fake as my polish colegue said 2 years ago War in Ukraine finish until The Eastern (február 2022april 2022) Ukraine win and You buy place in Ukraine for bussines

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