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  • It was not a supernova festival, it was a festival with devils, they worshiped devils with ghosts and celebrated with half clothes. The cause of this crisis for Israel was the result of the celebration that was against the Lord

  • Anyone who supports terrorists is a terrorist. Anyone who celebrates what terrorists do is a terrorist. Anyone who knows where they are hiding and doesn't say anything is a terrorist. Now tell me how many innocents are left in Gaza?

  • Could you imagine if we just called a cease fire a few months after Al Qaeda took 2,900 Americans on our own soil? No? Me neither…

  • The hostages were rescued with a Blackhawk helicopter. What's with the pavhawk ?

  • Hmm, I am not a historian, but I cannot recall another hostage rescue operation that resulted in the deaths of 270 (according to Hamas) and around 100 according to the IDF. I am reasonably sure that no civilised country would attempt the rescue of four people where it was going to mean the deaths of so many people. Of course, you cannot compare Israel to a civilised country…

  • I saw with my own eyes 11:37 on in October 8 a Hamas filmed home video of an infant burnt to a charred body. I am an American lawyer who has seen many horrific atrocities, but Never anything as horrifying as that image that will haunt me until the day I die, worse still the Hamas terrorists who did it and filmed their murderous deeds were narrating what they had done in real time jubilantly and sending the videos to their parents.

  • The United Nations are a bunch of worthless lowlife trash!

  • The Israeli citizens were rescued from Gazan civilians who were holding them hostage. Thus, fair to say: There's no such thing as a "Palestinian Civilian". Palestinians are a culture of war criminals. Netanyahu is kind when he vows to only wipe out Hamas.

  • The UN is wrong. The UN backing terrorists is the wrong decision.

  • Gaza Health Ministry Confirms:
    8 Million Dead In Israeli Hostage Rescue

  • if civilians were holding hostages, that makes them criminals holding people against their will. fair game

  • What diplomatic route? A seize fire is just delaying another war. There is no diplomatic route. it is simple. Hamas wants Israel to disappear from the map and Israel wants to continue existing. How can you have a middle solution for this conflict?

  • Determination and resolve are powerful in a united People. Praise God for your values, truth and strength.

  • What were babies, kids, and women doing in a location where hostages were being held?

  • Faux viewers comments are sickening. Yes, FJB but FJB for helping Israeli nazis for the last 8 months. Disgusting.

  • It's our own President Joe Biden who's trying to get him to stop

  • God be thanked, praised, and magnified, in Jesus' Name, Amen! Amen! Amen! 🙏🏻✝️🕎🇮🇱🎉⭐️❤️🇮🇱🇮🇱

  • It is not true of the seize fire, this is what biden has been telling.

  • F Palestine. F the UN. F America's Leftist traitors.

  • In TWO hours Hamas had went trought the most highest secured wall with it powerful Cameras and sensors.. and killed Hundreds of IDF and took Hundreds as prisoners with their highest ranking officer Hamami in TWO Hours!!
    4 rescued. 3 others killed in the action + officer who led yemam special force.
    4 rescued. 4 killed 🤔👀

  • "Hammas run Gaza Health Ministry" sounds about as logical as "Taliban run Education Ministry for Women". Isn't Hammas the one who put the civilians in danger? Aren't they the ones who took a nine or eleven month child as a hostage? Aren't they the ones who use civilians as human shields? The same civilians for whom they provide a "Health Ministry"? Do they have any idea how the civilians "health" will be impacted by their own actions?

  • Does there is any civilians in Gaza! Every house is a weapon depot of Hamas, ie all of them are Hamas terrorists!

  • The U.N. are for terrorists! And back up terrorists and never address what hamas did and continues since Oct.7!

  • Israel is fighting terrorists on 8 fronts and the UN never addresses it, but continues to attack Israel. Just watch the ILTV News and UN themselves.

  • UN is been bought outright by the islamists..funded by Qatar. Islamists have the backup of devil 😈 😈 😈
    God bless Israel 🇮🇱

  • Amen! The GOD of Israel keeps HIS Covenant. JESUS is LORD! HIS Kingdom draws near.

  • Keep pushing in IDF, God Bless you all. God Bless Israel.

  • Standing with Israel, from South Africa – "Roman 8:38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[b] neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

  • Hamas myst have great dentists, her teeth are whiter than they were in the kidnapping video.
    Then again, israel claimed that she was raped & murdered when they 1st started killing babies.😂

  • Where is the "aftermath of Gaza operation" in this video? It didn't show any of the hundreds of civilians that were killed to save the 4 people.

  • Noa Argamani was held hostage by an Al Jazeera journalist Abdullah Al-Jamal and his physician father Dr. Ahmed

  • Most intelligent people do not acceptr the lies of Muslims. Again we see the Palestinian Muslim aiding Hamas Terrorist

  • If you want Hamas on the list of shame you first have to recognize Palestine as a state

  • Prayer answered, partially.
    Question for Hamas and Gazans: where are the other hostages?

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