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BREAKING NEWS: John Kennedy Asks FBI’s Wray Point Blank About Jeffrey Epstein Island Tapes

At today’s Senate Appropriations Committee hearing, Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) questioned FBI Director Christopher Wray about …


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#breaking news usa today

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  • Honestly this is what we need. God bless the Kennedys keep pushing for the truth, make the footage public. Mexico needs more pressure Americans lives are at stake. You can invade a country for oil and to please the Saudis but when its jusf americans well beings at stake you sit idolly by. Grow. A. Pair

  • They raided Epstein’s island about SIX YEARS ago.

  • What a bunch of tools, they do nothing, and say nothing. If its not a republican or conservative in the wrong they get off scot free.

  • Great ted talk on how to talk a bunch and say nothing.

  • This is populist gotcha politics and does not deserve national coverage. The FBI head is a high integrity public servant, not a slimebag politician.

  • The fbi is supposed to work for the people of the USA but they can’t answer to the elected representatives that represent us. It’s blatantly obvious they don’t answer to our government.

  • The word Cartel does not exist in Mex, that's an all $Business US Term

  • Cartles exist because our elected mafia are in business with them.

  • No one is Above the law except the Government lol 😂😅

  • anyone the ams and ahs, i'm not sure, I don't know, I can't discuss, I'm not aware, let me get back to you, I'll be happy to take a look, I'll investigate is complete avoidance of the question just immediately detain and lock him up on the spot until his memory is clear. Obviously he is a criminal and complicit in all the crimes mentioned.

  • The FBI were present in the murder of prominent rap stars (biggie, tupac, king von) are you going to expose the killers of these prominent people or are you going to hide them because they are a part of law enforcement! LAPD and CHICAGO PD

  • There's proven criminals being over looked, while the alleged guilty man (Trump) is being triad for a lesser crime. May I remind you of the frase I DID NOT HAVE SEXUAL RELACIÓNES WITH THAT WOMAN. no charges filled no impeachment then.

  • You know damn well the FBI has dozens of tapes and they could prosecute, but noooooo! They might have to pull down Democratic Big Wigs…. of course there are some Republicans in there too, but they can't go after the Republicans without exposing that they have tapes on Dems and powerful or should I say rich people.

  • Kennedy knew how to insult wray – he called him a fine American. bet that hurt

  • “Senator Kennedy, nothing will happen to the prominent people. We’ll sacrifice some nobody so all prominent people, including many in the FBI, will go Scott free.”

  • Trump was one of those prominent people.. looking at several lawsuit, know one is talking about. 😮

  • Kennedy is as smart and as smug as they come.
    He should take his fake accent & stick it where the Sun don't shine

  • No wonder the USA is such a mess…children running the place and no adults in sight…hysterical!

  • They took the tapes and disposed of them for their friends…. They are the same people that killed Nichola tesla and raided his hotel safe and stole all of his work. So I’m not surprised.

  • FBI & CIA are safeguarding the drug trade all around the world with assistance from other foreign secret services.

    All working hand in hand for the drug kingpins of Vatican, Jesuits, Black Nobility and so on.

    They’re exposing themselves little by little 😌

  • John Kennedy. Always good for a laugh, but check out his voting record. He's just another swampy rino!

  • Why cant he share if they are investigating? It’s the taxpayers dollars that are funding these organizations and we should be transparently informed what OUR freaking money is being used for and to get to the bottom of what the hell our own leaders are up to. If they have nothing to hide it would be extremely easy to answer this as Epstein and his associate are dead and in prison. It’s so obvious that he’s covering for them and making it hard to get details in public hearing… discusting lack of morals and quite frankly evil to sit there and hold on to that kind of information

  • Thank You John Kennedy for the common sense, even I and those who truly care have asked– why are the tapes not being investigated?

    Let me guess. Judges, law enforcement, FBI, business owners all involved?

  • If Biden wasn't such a sellout he would cut off Mexico and solve this problem. But I guess that's hard to do when behind America's back you're just hustling other countries for money😮

  • He never answers anything about anything its all a ongoing thing.dont they ever finish anything.or is he just full of shit

  • Just out of interest , were people like Obama , Spielberg , that other chap and his wife , ever guests of Epstein , particularily on his island ?

  • The FBI still corrupt 😢😮

  • This ia a perfect example of how thisbworld really works😢. Salute to Kennedy for being a real hero asking the questions no one wanted to ask or didnt dare ask.

  • This Director would have you, believe,
    That, we are not allowed too know!🤮💀😡☠️!

  • John Kennedy is not suicidal


  • If no one is above the law what about the clintons and Biden?

  • Don’t love this Kennedy however I agree with him that much has been covered up regarding folks who traveled with Epstein.

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