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2024 European elections: President Macron dissolves French parliament • FRANCE 24 English

French President Emanuel Macron on Sunday announced the dissolution of the National Assembly, calling for new legislative …


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#breaking news europe

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  • Bye Bye macron😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂go to ukraine here is Europe not your bank account….😂😂😂😂😂

  • By dissolving parliament he can now continue sending French troops to ukraine unimpeded, giiving no thought to anyone who opposes his decisions !!

  • It's insulting calling everyone who doesn't agree with you far right

  • The far right, you mean the French people

  • The French-want their country back , their sovereignty not that of the European Union .
    They want their taxes spent on France and it’s citizens , not supporting the United States carrying out their proxy war against Russia on behalf of the most corrupt country in the world , protecting the American President and his relatives carry out their dealings with Ukraine. This should have an effect on other countries in the EU but from their lofty perches they can’t see anything .
    It’s not their children, brothers sisters going off to war .

  • Great they got rid of this elitist France is for the French let macrumb go home

  • Immigration is his problem and he won’t address it. So the voters are going somewhere else.

  • But what happens if the far-right wins even with more votes?

  • Under you, Africa has seen some light to divorce France 🇫🇷 in all spheres. Under you, we are closer to the nuclear inhalation because your remarks are escalating Russia Ukraine war

  • I can felt mr president so smart person but some people trying to make him get wrong

  • Election lost
    War against Russia lost
    Time to join Zelensky in the circus

  • So if the president doesn’t like the results of an election, he can call a do over. Sounds like democracy to me

  • The French are waking up to the fact that the far left like Macron cannot run a country. Macron is now showing his dictatorship by removing political opponents instead of listening to the people.

  • He is affraid of the people , this is a shame and scary times

  • Democracy at its finest

  • The right will take Europe and the U.S.A
    People are sick and tired of seeing their countries implode.

  • He can still be president of Ukraine if the French people oust him..

  • It is worrying that the president can dissolve the parliament for tactical reasons. Parties now only have 30 days to prepare for the elections. That is much too short. Opposition parties might not even be able to put together a proper program in such a short time, while Macron's party might have a head start.

  • What about the Far Left which has become so pervasive that they're trying to get everyone to think center minded people are far right…..

  • Manny you've been frolicking around Europe being the perfect diplomat whilst neglecting the people, party time

  • Calling elections early is a mistake, it means acting impulsively in the grip of an emotional wave and run the risk of giving the country away to the far-right. In view of the 2027 presidential elections, there are still 3 years to regain the trust of voters.

  • Bye, Bye, marionette.
    Dissolve NATO.
    Make France great again!

  • Mentions D-Day, then dissolves parliament

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