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Actually I'm with Dom on this.
Prime is just a grift move.
Dominik,🤝Logan Paul ga menu for your good 😊 even
Pat with the Kevin Nash gimmick infringement. Only big Kev can want us to stay thirsty.
Good job dom
Dom dom is in cat mode
Dom is badass 😂😂
Dom channeling his inner Feline urges to randomly knock things over.
let's be honest, no body is drinking that😂
The most subtle heel->face turn in WWE history.
I mean I actually agree, Gatorade on top!
Logan Paul reconsidering his pseudo alliance with the Judgement Day.
But when wrestlers are thrown into it and it goes everywhere, they don't care. Lmao. Dom did the least amount if damage or mess to it.
WWE's menace bully Maguire award first 2023 and 2024 and MAMI BACKSTABBER goes to : dirty Dominick mysterio
Can we also get a lady's 3 stages of hell match for who Dominick calls mami including a pinfall one that cody rhodes chooses and a ladder match also for the women's title
😂😂 Dirty Dom went face for like 15 seconds…and WE ALL LOVED IT!!!
I don’t know why, but Dom just reminded me of a cat😂
This is just so funny … everyone knew their role
WWE promoting a product that was started of the backs of the victims of crypto zoo
Dom went to jail for 1 day and thinks he can do anything he wants we had Steve Austin and Goldberg also go to jail
Sounds like cole says what a cuck😂
Dom face turn
Dom and Hook need a match
I'm starting to like dirty dom and I don't know why
Hahaha i like this 🤣🤣 dom its doing really good
Imagine Ksi and logan Paul react to this.
Me 😅
"we hope your dehydrated" was personal 😂
The dom dom just stares at them whilst he does it also who thinks he’s cheating on Rhea with liv 😂
Dom doing his best impersonation of a cat and failed.
That’s mean Logan Paul is gonna be in wwe
Next fude: Dom Dom V Logan and KSI 😂😂😂
I hate Dom
Watch logan paul come out
I can't listen to you cuz you keep on talking
Me gusta el Guacamole
Bros smacking down the bottles it’s people crying for prime right now and bro Dom Dom just disrespecting the prime industry
Good job Dominik
Excellent work Dom
That's right prime is a disgrace
He is a Gatorade guy I think
"what a punk"
Logan Paul gonna get Dominik for that
I wasn't reading the subtitles. I thought Michael said that Dom's a CUCK. XD
Prime is the grossest drink ever made