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  • Which of these scandals shocked you the most? Let us know below, and be sure to also check out our video of the Top 10 Biggest Old Hollywood Scandals –

  • I learned about the Coogan Law within a few months of working in securities litigation. It is a sad story.

  • At least half of these stories were new to me, but Lana Turner's daughter killing that psychopath to save her mother, and Jackie Coogan's mother and stepfather betraying him by stealing his money, actually are well-known , so I'm surprised they're on this list. I'm equally surprised the fake scandal surrounding silent film actor Fatty Arbuckle and the death of a young actress in his company did not make the list. Then again, all of the these incidents occurred so long ago, at this point, the majority of folks probably know very little about life in the first 50 years of Hollywood.

  • Thanks for mentioning Paul Bern's death; the idea that the studio story put about by Eddie Mannix, that Bern committed suicide because he was an inadequate lover would be MORE acceptable than Bern being killed by his undivorced common law first wife (bigamy was that bad) is still fascinating. Also still taken as truth in a lot of books and online articles. It won't go away.

  • It shows that no matter how old Hollywood tried to glamourise their stars, they were only human. Getting to the same situations anyone else, who was unlucky could.

  • What about the murder accusations of Fatty Arbuckle? One of the stars of the silent era, their career destroyed after a house party

  • Garbo and Dietrich didnt have any romantic relationship really. They respect each other but the studio want people to think they are rival to boost revenue. They did meet on the set of thr joyless street but still nobody really sure that they are a couple at that time 😅

  • What do you mean its debated about what caused the shooting of Carl Switzer….. It was obviously a gun because a knife can't shoot 🤦

  • Never heard off, cogan is well no it changed law❤😂

  • Michael Franzese (a former capo for the Colombo crime family) has a YouTube channel and he talked about Lana turner and other golden age actresses that dated mobsters and talked about the murder and what the story on the street was at the time

  • Remember L. Ron Hubberd started Sincetolagy was started whe a UFO landed in a volcano and a aliens turned to humans and roamed earth

  • The narration to this video is terrible.

  • It’s crazy to think that a law had to be put into place so parents don’t exploit their children. These influencers need to be put in their place also exploiting their kids for views

  • Jean Harlow died when she was 26 of kidney failure. She was entombed the great mausoleum at forest lawn memorial park. william powell, Her partner at the time got a plot next to her foe when he died. William was devastated by her death and was at her side when she died.
    William would be laid to rest next to his 3rd wife at a different cemetery, so the space next to Jean remains empty

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