These celeb scandals will blow your mind! For this list, we’ll be looking at the most notable incidents involving high-profile …
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These celeb scandals will blow your mind! For this list, we’ll be looking at the most notable incidents involving high-profile …
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that ben affleck scandal doesn't make sense at all
Bruno gets caught with coke……. So? That’s like nothing.
I've heard of 7 of these
The Ben Affleck thing was so not a scandal. Anyone in the right mind would never wish to admit that their relatives was a past slave owner. Especially someone who is famous. It has nothing do with them in the first place yet can be skewed against one’s own character unfairly. His wanting to keep the show quiet about it is completely understandable and he shouldn’t be knocked for it. Again, it has nothing to to do with Ben Affleck.
Chaplin or David o Russell should have been number 1
I'm only watching this for Kirsten Riaa
Seriously, your number 1 is Ben afflek trying to escape from the heinous crimes of his ancestors? Literally the nly story that isnt about the subject themselves but their ancestors? Someone hates his time as a Batman, all im sayin
If you have enough money you never get arrested or go to prison in America. Just like Trump
Guys, the scandal was that Affleck told the producers to leave out this part on a show that presents family trees of famous ppl. Don't sign up for it and then force them to edit out what you don't like.
Yeah that Affleck thing isn't bad at all alot of people owned slaves including black people.
How much did Mark Wahlberg pay you to not mention him beating an elderly man nearly to death for being Vietnamese or chasing after black children calling them N-slurs?
Clik bait
a pop singer doing drugs is NOT a scandal. WAKE UP, KIRSTEN!!! (or mojo?)
"… scandals you've never head of" ??
Rubbish and bs. Most of these are in countless other videos, especially the one with Matthew Brotherick.
Amber Heard killed a friend in a car accident.
Phill Lewis was drunk driving and killed someone.
There are many more too.
Uh, Mark Wahlberg? That was intentional and vicious and possibly racist.
A perfect example of the 'haves' and the 'have nots'. Money talks. If you either have money, or are a cash cow making big money for someone else, then all the power and control is yours.
Bruno Mars’ incident is hardly noteworthy. That’s no scandal.
Why blame Ben for what his family a few generations back.
Some of rhese “scandals” are dumb. Esp no. 1.
David Letterman in a scandal? OMG 😳😳😳!!!!
Friend of Hagrid!
I hope Affoeck didnt apologize sincerely. He had no reason to whatsoever, be sad for them.
Luther vandross and teddy pendagrass
bruno mars doing cocaine isn’t even that deep😭💀
It's so saaad how a megastar like ben affleck would fear what his ancestors allegedly did, because of this cancel culture
Top ten actors you might never have heard of. Top ten less known actors from TV shows.
I can't believe they were so hard on matthew brodfrick, making him pay a small fine, all he did was responsible for multiple deaths and Roseanne has opinion and is fired for using her freedom of speech, which isn't free if u can lose ur job for using it. I was fired from Honda in 2010 myself cause my friend gave his opinion in the breakroom
I hate when celebrities smile during mug shots. They just know they can get away with whatever they did.
Ben Affleck has NOTHING to be ashamed of/to apologize for. HE didn't own slaves.
Crane didn’t do anything wrong.
What the hell??…so big celebrities can get their records expunged like they never got arrested but regular folks have to live the rest of their lives with the recor,.so messed up