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TMZ Breaks Down the Latest Diddy News | TMZ Now

Diddy’s legal troubles are getting even worse: a grand jury has reportedly been empaneled to hear evidence in his federal probe.


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  • He's so DONE! He'll lose everything and if he lives long he will die broke. His revenue will dry up but his bills will not.

  • Poof be gone Sean Combs is a weirdo nasty woman beatin fake wanna be rapper. I can't wait until he goes to prison!!!

  • @TMZ has Diddy fled the country? Youtubers are saying you reported it.

  • I really hope that no one takes his bribes to get let off with any of this , it’s beyond beggars belief that there’s so many weirdo’s and abusers around …

  • I’m waiting for a rap video featuring 50, Eminem, and a cameo from Katt—those who have been speaking the truths without fear for decades

  • Diddy is pure evil!

    The American justice system is a joke! There is one justice system for rich people, and another tougher justice system for the poor.

  • Megan Markel is Becky with the good hair AND NEVER TOLD PRINCE HAPPY 😊 HARRY….NOW

  • I don't know, these claims seem kind of bizarre. why would such famous, and important men rape people and drug them…they would be risking their career AND they are so powerful and important, they don't NEED to drug them. all of the women are jumping on them and coming to them. This reminds me of the Salem Witch trials where people are hysterically making claims and being hysterical without being logical. It doesn't seem like the judges or jury are being fair and logical, it seems like a social TREND to blame the men and take them down so I think that is why they are getting convicted. People hop on trends like crazy now adays without doing much thinking. There's the ozempic trend, the gay/trans trend, the kardashian trend, the iphone trend, twitter was a heavy trend for a while, the lip injection trend, …you guys sucked in and just heavy do it and don't do much else. You get whipped! This seems like just another odd social trend fueled by mental illness.

  • The thing that NO one is talking about is the fact that this "man" has had a!dS and other sti's now for well over twenty years. diddy has exposed all of his victims to his sexually transmitted infections, including h!V/AidS. Diddy has had hpV wart scars on his mouth since the 2000s, if an individual has hpv wart scars for longer than thirty days, it is a!dS. diddy has survived his a!dS, but people like Kim Porter could not. All of his baby mama's looked weathered now. It showS in cassie now, too. The strain of h!V/AidS that diddy is spreading is dangerous and strong. diddy's a!dS k!LlS people. (But) ya'll keep playing with this man… (And) there are people behind the scenes that knowS he keeps stalking me…

  • The craziest part:
    1, either because he was paying yall to be quiet or
    2, he was so big & beloved, you thought it wouldn’t stick. Ooooooor
    3, you waited til it piled up so it could be a massive story he couldn’t come back from…. Hence: “Surviving Diddy”
    Yall sick and owned by someone just as big as he is.

  • Come on!! why do you think that John Doe gave the lovley? CNN is are trustworthy unlike TMZ JZ and Kris Jenner. Nit to be Trusted 😮😮🎉🎉🎉🎉

  • Why aren't we talking about setups offsets and Megan Markel behind LEMONADE

  • I already knew he as evil ..when i use to see his videos in JR. high- my stomach always turned when I saw him- it made me sick and at the time I didn't know why….he didn't feel like a good person….his bad energy is strong- .Now I know why

  • Brother Love is about to really start his singing career pretty soon 🎶 🎤

  • Sorry they should cancel tmz…tier off telling the same story over n over just wait until at lise he get detained..because he's still free

  • Why 50 say the world is almost over? Did y’all see the new Simpson prediction

  • Whoooo hoooo !! juicy juicy stuff everyday!!!

    Hope no one winds up dead before everything gets settled, this isn’t close to over it hasn’t been settled in over 20 yrs, it’s closing in now, & it’s about time but in my thoughts even after it all gets quiet, it’s going to continue.. this saga is far far from over.

  • Why is he still in a cubicle?

  • Usher really just gave Justin to Diddy knowing what Diddy really is.. Like usher aint had no part in it

  • People don’t understand that we all have the power to be god we have the ability to make life and take life legal or not the point is that we can have power but some power makes u almost untouchable if not caught now people aren’t scared of him as much but I could imagine 1 million dollars in drugs he could have every kind at any moment and he makes the bottles he could dose them and then bottle them and they wouldn’t even know 😢 he’s screwed

  • Diddy will be the Next Bill Cosby if he don't wise up. He will find himself in prison for a while. Don't let fame and money stop u from using your brain. Quitting while u are are ahead is not the same as Quitting. Some people are forced to quit things but when you quit while you are ahead u are quitting out of choice & not forced to do it. Thats the difference.

  • When are they going after Madonna. Her parties were legendary.

  • People can’t dismiss the fact that TMZ is on Kris Jenner’s payroll. Especially when Kim kylie and especially Kris Jenner are deeply involved with P Diddy P. Diddy uses kris Jenners, California community church to do money laundering. How do you think they help him with their planes, TMZ will never say this.

  • I guess TMZ missed the part where Nickelodeon recently hired P. Diddy🤷🏻‍♀️

  • Money changes people into monsters. Hence why the Bible states that it will be easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than a rich man to enter Heaven. REPENT

  • After TMZ p diddy documentary, TMZ lost credibility. Lol

  • You know there more victims bless their hearts and hope they come forward ❤️

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