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  • fixtures out &we don't even know if Rafa is gonna b here its crazy it really is guys still not knowing what to think x

  • A big giant bowl of bollox. Fat Michael has his filthy fingers all over this and just wants a nice easy rob job before he flys away. Looks like Rafa's contract/no contract will go to the death and did we expect anything else with Fat Trashley tbh. The potential takeover is fun to dream about but until it is official it just puts the accelerator on virtually everything financially that this club plans on doing.

  • take over is only speculation so Ashley does not spend any money this summer

  • Why should the fans invest more money when the club doesn’t invest?

  • I won’t be renewing my season ticket given the uncertainty at the moment

  • I’m never paying to go again until that fat cunts out of the club as am not filling his pockets for him to give fuck all back but players like Muto and Joselu the absolute clown am fed up

  • With my new job, I need more matches on Sundays in order to watch.

  • Brighton 22 million on a striker scored 22 goals last seasons what’s going on with our scouting team for players like that he’s only 23 joke really is

  • It’s a joke buddy what’s happening cannot belive it other teams are buying players we have nothing

  • That burnley fan wasn't pleased about being interrupted

  • How come you only pay like £80 for your season ticket? Or did i miss hear it

  • Why wouldn't you renew your season ticket right away I have you shouldn't care overall who is in the dugout or who is the owner you should go to support your club and your team

  • Come 1st July, club will announce Rafa has left and that there's no takeover. Typical Ashley and his dirty PR tricks.

  • I find it hard to invest in the club this season not knowing whose the manager or owner effects everything for me need stability to move forward and improve

  • Bloody hell Lee you look like you're in the Nuremberg trial. Ashley oot!.

  • just seen on the nufc blog mike Ashley could sell by the end of the month .

  • great video guys and well done lee on ssn once again keep it up guys HWTL

  • Any fan in their right mind would refuse to renew their season ticket if they have the club at heart. The owner is a disgrace and the club is a laughing stock. Ashley doing his usual ploy of getting renewals and avoiding signings based on deception. ASHLEY OUT!!

  • Yea not a great few days for us Newcastle fans. That isn’t good news at all. I hate Mike Ashley

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TechTrends Tom

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