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P. Diddy: Every Celebrity Who Warned People About Sean Combs

P. Diddy’s homes were raided by the feds on Monday following multiple lawsuits alleging the music mogul engaged in sexual …


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  • I never liked the dude, him stealing others music and remixing it for me was the turn off. I don't like fake ishhh neither. He's always been about being a fake and not being his true self. It's easy to see through fakeness especially stemming from celebs.

  • Who’s here after watching the tape? 👀 not alleged anymore is it?

  • I'm 0% surprised at these allegations regarding Sean, the mediocre talent turned wealthy man who bought everyone off. I AM surprised at all those that supported the coverup, though, from the hotels, to the women, to his staff. What a heinously disgusting lifestyle of filth. Enjoy prison. That's not the worst he'll face.

  • You make a slave of your sister you're still slaves imitating your slave master

  • Sean Combs record label and associates should be ashamed of themselves has money just buys him happiness and gets him away from serving the time for the crimes he's committing and he gets away with everything because he's got money how pathetic is that that's just pathetic he buys his way out of trouble and has audacity to show his face on TV loser

  • I think there are si so many a llsters and music moguls that are as nervous as patients waits to see their proctalogists.😅

  • This dude is pure evil 😈. A sociopath with no conscience. He deserves no second chance. He has no remorse or regrets for his behavior. Only regrets of getting caught and exposed.

  • So LA Reid offered up Usher and he in turn offered up Bieber? SMH he needs to be investigated as well.

  • Diddy Bout to be R Kelly's CELLMATE!!!! Lock him UP!!!!!!

  • Sean hates women…wishes he was one…loves men 🤮

  • Please tell me someone remembers the reality show that Diddy did back in the early 2000s? He used very young kids some even under age to find the "best hip hop group." But all he ended up doing was bullying them and having them do very weird things some senseless like having a guy walk from one New York borough to another on foot just to get, cheesecake!!

  • 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 great people great country 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • It looks like he is putting something on him or taking something off. Like he is pastor or shawman like deal. Perhaps he is releaseing him from his Illuminati chains

  • Diddy them devils are coming for you, and you know you are not in their league.

  • Dw about the hotel video we ave it now 😂

  • Music an entertainment world is not safe always wanted to be a actress or a singer but now not so much

  • The AI on this topic is saying “50 Cent defends diddy”. It couldn’t be any more wrong lmao

  • if you ever look at his eyes without the shades… they are the exact eyes of a psychopath. very dark irises, dead, flat. Scary

  • A gross overuse of military grade force well, due to the nature of the crimes that caused a warrant to be signed, diddy doesn’t have a spotless non violent record he’s jumped ppl, shot ppl and shot at ppl, for gods sake he assaulted his sons college football coach like what does a coach have to do so bad for he or she to get beat on? Unless the coach was molesting or committing SA on my child those are the only reasons to be justified for physically assaulting a person! PERIOD! But the SWAT TEAM DIDNT KNOW WHAT THEY WERE WALKING IN ON WHEN THEY EXECUTED THAT SEARCH WARRANT! Plus diddy is always strapped! So yeah I’m justifying the gross military grade excessive use of force

  • I’m still waiting on the list of celebs that warned people about diddy because none of these ppl did. This is literally all after a public lawsuit

  • "Ain't no Party like a Diddy Party!" – LeDiddled James

  • Diddy also claimed that Cassie was lying too….the video of him beating her speaks for itself. Not only did it happen, but Diddy and his people lied about it…leads one to believe anything they say now is a lie to try and mitigate the damages coming Diddy's way.

  • Kinda weird how this is happening literally like 10 years AFTER the “Me Too” movement. Like where was all this when everyone was naming Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein. ?

  • Alot of celebrities including many from the past are guilty of some of these same unacceptable inhumane behaviors but people worshipped them just the same despite some being aware. It's time to stop giving famous and rich people more rights than regular folks… Equal rights and equal justice

  • So, in the nineties, "Parents" signed off, uhm, 'sent off' their teenager to be "schooled" for success – 🙃aka, future money maker…So, *being exposed, and being "immersed" in a curious "culture" is a Parents dream goal for holistic learning I guess!* These types are in a league of their own for self advancement – using the child and feeding a shark😅🙂Amazing, some have 'survived' and made a choice to become parents themselves!

  • He got away with it for so long because of Kris Jenner's Law Connections

  • Did he only gave them back their publishing in exchange for signing an agreement not to talk about any of his crimes

  • How old is Diddy right now and how old is Usher?? :/

  • This behavior of Diddy's is just what people with lots of power do. In their mind it's a way to maintain their excellent achievements. I have yet to see anyone in his peer group say anything about this. Not one billionaire has had a thing to say!

  • they allowed Diddy to do what he did for years because he was making the people above him and the IRS and loads of money. Now the cracks are appearing they are done with him. I worked for a ruthless property tycoon and he had a saying " use and lose"

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