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NHL Game 3 Highlights | Rangers vs. Panthers – May 26, 2024

Barclay Goodrow continued to impress in the ECF with a pair of goals, Alexis Lafreniere added another two goals and Alex …


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  • 3:17 what a pass with a skate by Barkov, too bad Sportsnet didn't show it properly.

  • How about the florida goalie almost getting his throat cut because he wasn't wearing a throat guard! And nobody said anything.

  • If anyone had asked you during the summer what you thought the score of a Conference Final game with two of the best goalies in the league — who were both on fire in their previous series — would be, I don't think many people would have said "5-4". I have a feeling these highlights don't quite do it justice.

  • 2nd Ranger goal was goalie interference. 73 backed right in and was not pushed. Not a Panthers fan.

  • I already watched the first period on TV yesterday, so I had to skip about half the video to watch the rest of the game

  • Bruins fan here. I don’t love seeing the Rangers win as much as I love to seeing the Panthers lose.

  • NY fans are almost louder than panthers fans even on the road

  • Bob almost had his head lobbed off his body. If dudes skate hadda caught him a little lower it wouldn't of been good.

  • Pathethic Panthers at it again. That second period was absolutely one of the worst performances of the season.

  • I went to bed at 5 pm last night from exhaustion. Sadly i missed an incredible game. Thank God for highlights.

  • Damn it, Panthers lose! But I gotta say, that second goal by Lafreniere was pure brilliance!
    Is Tarasenko having any impact for the Panthers in this series?

  • Heartbreaking loss once again. We could easily be up 3-0 in this series if we could’ve buried perfect chances at the end of the 3rd. Gotta win game 4 or we’re done for.

  • After last night I think we can all say we forgive Laffy for that terribel goal last game. Way to go Laffy and Great job Goody last night!

  • Gotta love the panthers challenging every game winner so far when there’s clearly nothing there to challenge. Bunch of babies.

  • That second goal, 1:10 seconds in they went offsides just barley but that shouldn’t have coujted

  • if laf becomes the player he was touted to be this could be a dynasty team

  • Lafreniere hit the backhand like a slingshot.He'll never do that again. Same thing for Goodrow Goal . Florida will win the series.

  • last after what the Panthers did to Carolina I thought they full of themselves and pure luck…This year, are you kidding me. Rangers beyond full of crap and everything going their way, plenty of luck to last a life time. Rangers in game game 6 against Carolina 3rd period a cross check was called against us, total drive by the rangers and it change the game. Now seeing this B.S. unfold against the Panthers. You can't beat teams who have luck on their side. I know the rangers got it in the Hurricanes series, every call, every tip goal, every bounce went their way. I hate when the better team should win and doesn't.

  • Both Lafreniere's goals were awesome. I do feel bad for Bob on his second one. I never heard anyone mentioned the fact that Laf's leg kicked up at the end and his foot and skate blade swatted Bob on his mask near his neck. I cringed when I saw that. I'm sure it was unintentional, but it really clocked Bob.

  • What no cheap shots from the rangers after they scored a goal, seem to work for me in game 2 weird, stand corrected look like on their 3 goal they tried. Still trying to understand how the panthers got the penalty when the rangers who started it lol 😂

  • terrible defense this game by my panthers. they need to really be on top of it like they were game 1 and they will win this series out. lets change things up and win tuesday boys🌴🏒🐆

  • brilliant Rangers 😎👏👏👏 beautiful great Rangers good job guys 👏👏 LGR!!💙💪 Panthers 👎👎

  • The first three goals on two shots each!
    I know that the following comparison is questionable, nevertheless, I marvel at the precision shooting in hockey compared to football, where the top professionals often even do not hit the huge goal from a relatively short distance.

  • Both those glove goals should not have counted, I can see the panthers one maybe cuz he was shooting but ranger one definitely he wasn’t even facing the net

  • #91 of FL doing what he does best – complaining when his team loses 😀 Lovin' it. LGR!

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