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Neuroscientist explains the best exercise to improve brain f…

Title: "Neuroscientist’s Guide: Top Exercises to Boost Brain Function


The Power of Neuroplasticity for Brain Improvement

Neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life, offers us a unique opportunity to enhance our cognitive abilities. This potential can be harnessed through various exercises, making it essential to understand the most effective strategies. In this article, we will delve into the top exercises recommended by leading neuroscientists to enhance your brain function.

Subtopic 1: Mental Stimulation: The Key to Cognitive Fitness

Mental Stimulation: The Key to Cognitive Fitness

Regular mental stimulation encourages the growth of new neurons and strengthens existing connections. Activities like reading, puzzles, and learning a new skill or language can significantly boost brain function.These activities challenge the brain, encouraging it to adapt and grow stronger, much like exercise strengthens the muscles of our body.

Subtopic 2: Physical Activity: A Brain-Boosting Partner

Physical Activity: A Brain-Boosting Partner

Physical exercise enhances brain health by increasing blood flow, fostering the production of new brain cells, and reducing inflammation. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise, five days a week, and reap the benefits for your mind as well as your body.

Subtopic 3: Mindfulness Meditation: Harnessing the Power of Focus

Mindfulness Meditation: Harnessing the Power of Focus

Mindfulness meditation involves focusing on the present moment, a practice that sharpens attention, reduces stress, and improves overall brain function. Aim for 10-20 minutes of daily practice to experience these benefits.

Subtopic 4: Sleep: The Unsung Hero of Brain Health

Sleep: The Unsung Hero of Brain Health

Adequate sleep is crucial for memory consolidation, learning, and overall brain health. Prioritize good sleep hygiene to ensure you get 7-9 hours of sleep each night, and your brain will thank you.

Subtopic 5: Social Interaction: The Power of Connection

Social Interaction: The Power of Connection

Social interaction fosters emotional well-being, improves cognitive function, and delays cognitive decline. Engage in regular social activities, be it with friends, family, or communities, to keep your brain thriving.


Embrace the Brain-Boosting Potential

By incorporating these exercises into your daily routine, you can effectively stimulate your brain, enhance its function, and improve your overall quality of life. Remember, the brain is a lifelong learner, and consistent effort will yield lasting benefits for your cognitive abilities.


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  • Unless you train really hard then you probably want to do it at night so you can go straight to sleep lol

  • Aerobic exercise sounds very womanly and gay i prefer to call it cardio exercise

  • All videos should be straightforward like this

  • I hate morning exercise. I like walking after work for 40 minutes and not having eaten anything since dinner the day before.

  • Ironically cardio is the only exercise we need to stay healthy❤😅

  • Is it fine you used this screenshot from a movie as thumbnail?

  • This is silly. They expect us to believe this? As if scientists and bookworms have lower cognitive functioning than athletes

  • There has been study done on how much and how hard exercise for less brain diseases. Walking was not the best, but the hard exercise was best. You needed around 30 minutes for the sweet spot. So just run 4km a week and you are oke. This can also be done in 4 days 1km for example. Often people think you need to exercise a lot, but also for example increasing vo2max you only need to have 90% of heart rate for 12 minutes a week and you get most out of it. Lots of studies confirm this.

  • Learn something.👍
    Exercise helps too, but learning is the best thing for helping cognitive function.

    Improving memory, I'm still working on, but reviewing what you learn. Hands on vs passive retention basically.
    So…take notes!
    That's all I have, that no one asked for.😗👍👍

  • She practically throwing herself at me. Fine, hear a comment for ya. You pretty gurl!!! Mmmm, mmmm. Keep working out!

  • Exercise and physical activities help improve your mood and mental health.

  • I heard about 7 years ago. Reading 100 books would increase your IQ. So since I have always struggled with being dyslexic. I decided to start with audiobooks. I guess that was between 2015-2016. Now I’m about 1000 audiobooks in and it’s turned into one of my favorite pastimes. Can’t say it did anything for me mentally besides just making me pretty happy and increasing my vocabulary probably pretty significantly.

  • When I saw neuroscientist I didn’t expect a woman explaining it to me. lol bye.

  • Well wasnt that the most useless video hah

  • i have difficult to sleep so i do it in the evening to help me sleep better i hate waking up in the morning

  • Pray an act of perfect contrition everyday

  • Everyone who reads this, we don't know each other and probably never will but I wish you all the best in life and all the luck in the world!!! What is something small you can start doing today to better yourself ? ❤❤

  • If YOU are "required" to "use your brain"… it suggests that the so-called working hypothesis is response oriented; in other words, proletarian. To advance personal freedom to extend your own intelligence, (which you presumablu OWN) firstly for your own decisions about who will benefit and precisely why in the microsecond and…forever…would presumably be heightened to an extent that you have the ability to lead; and prosper beyond given social, cultural or other superimposed…boundaries. Assuming that there is any such thing as "…first thing in THE morning…" causes most numbered "people" to arrive at –someone elses– "end of the day".😉

  • I could listen to Dr Wendy Suzuki all day long. Not only is she intelligent and knowledgeable, but she's friggin gorgeous!

  • Is she talking about physical or mental training? It's not that clear …

  • Been running recently, the first time I managed to run a 5K I got terrible diarrhea for days, apparently it's a thing.

  • It reminds me of a 7-second brain trick that’s backed by NASA research. It’s been working wonders for me. I mentioned it on my profile if anyone’s curious

  • for sharp the memory power use Medhya powder of planet ayurveda it improves memory ,and recoolect things and retain better

  • If your mind is not good, you can't see good.

  • And this information was brought to you today by a brilliant neuroscientist for free! Look up her Ted talk folks. This lady is brilliant.

  • 4:33 really it's very helpful for me 💟 Thank you for sharing 🙏💫🤞

  • Ty ! “Exercise and mitochondrial remodeling to prevent age-related neurodegeneration”

  • I always need to double check, process what I thought beforehand, then determine whether it is right or wrong based on the problem and context. Bad habit, right?
    I have to fix that:) Thanks for advice!

  • STEM students when they need to exercise: 🤓☝️💀💀💀😭😭😭

  • I recommend everyone to find the forbidden book titled Mind's Secret Upgrade. it goes deep into all of this, and it changed my life

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