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Latest COVID surge underway, and symptoms have changed | Hea…

Many are experiencing gastrointestinal symptoms, as if they had a stomach bug instead.


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  • I have Covid now and have had fever and chills and body aches and chest pain and coughing . Also having mouth pain from the fevers I assume. I got vaccinated.

  • Well I have covid now and I have none of those symptoms. Mostly congestion (getting better) and night sweats. Otherwise I feel ok, and I didn’t take the shot this time. I am mostly now using this as a proof that those vaccines are not necessary unless maybe very old people. Also, I am diabetic.

  • “Surge underway.” Bit of a Freudian slip there

  • ZERO long term safety &/or efficacy studies always meant precisely that, with that being said, the ‘Antibody Dependent Enhancement’ thing was long since known about, historically leading to a lot of dead ferrets in the lab.

  • Vaccinated fully with ALL boosters. Contracted latest variant. I live a healthy live style, as do not drink or smoke, and I am not obese. Risk factors include age at 69, and type 2 diabetes which is well controlled with an A1c of 5.9. Symptoms include headache, sore throat, nasal congestion, unproductive cough, and fatigue. No need for hospitalization, just surprised with the virulence of the latest strain.

  • Shocker, winter, that's when people get sick. Lack of vaccinations? Are you kidding?? The shot, which is not a vaccine, doesn't prevent you from getting the virus, nor spreading/transmitting the virus. Stop this lie.

  • Nobody talks about the weird taste in your mouth

  • yeah… let me tell ya… we do not care 😂

  • "lack of vaccinations", seriously? The vaccine NEVER prevented or stopped transmission. Just stop.

  • Just get 7 more booster shots. That will keep you safe and I know this because the government told me so.

  • Never got it. Nurse's aid 2020-2024 tested 3 times a week. Norovirus doesn't even get through. A+ blood type. Think because I was sick all the time growing up. I even had scarlet fever. Mono, pneumonia, chicken pox, Had skin cancer fall off ten yrs ago after that don't get sick anymore.
    The conclusion … probably have some pretty strong t cells. Cutting hair for years then health care I built up my immunity.

  • had it myself the symptoms may be accurate but what it feel like is a living parasite is feeding off your body as it causes pressure on certain nerve endings resulting in loss of feeling in your fingers toes and loss of taste. and causes pressure in you lower GI . Only way i got over it was to boost my own immune system intense nutrition along with rest and recover and resistance exercise.

  • Welp I've avoided getting it for 4 years and I've now caught it. 😑

  • Lack of vaccinations?!?!? Did that idiot just say that? I have been vaccinated and boosted five times! I had covid too. Guess what? I just got covid again. Stop lying already.

  • I'm a story teller And my story must be told! 🎶
    Variants gets weaker, not stronger. S

  • BS with the damn vax. This is insanity. They only keep pushing it because all the news outlets are sponsored by "Guess Who?" – typicallly Pfizer.

  • I think you spelt 'cold' wrong. Lol nobody has a clue how body systems work it's embarrassing!

  • brush their teeth , play with their genitals

  • I can’t believe these so called doctors are still recommending getting that damn Frankenstein shot

  • This sounds like a South Park episode about how gluten will make your dick fly off😂

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