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  • They all sell their kids, kardashians, Julia fox, emrata … all of them

  • Interesting that prince harry had a fishing trip with Corey on a few weeks ago 😮

  • I don’t understand how any women in the sex industry can allow multiple strangers touch and kiss all
    Over you and your most private and intimate parts and just act like your enjoying yourself when I wouldn’t be able to get into “character” I’d feel to weird, how do some of yall do it?!? Don’t you feel dirty? Even after a longgg period of time don’t you start loosing self respect? I’m not trying to be rude or disrespectful I am really trying to understand where y’all’s mind goes in those moments?!? Prayers for all who reads this. I hope your happy, healthy and well ❤

  • What does the voice over on these? Is it AI?

  • Kanye West you married Kim Kardashian knowing who she was so just shut up nobody feel sorry for you.

  • Kan(kr)ay) is still Kray-all-the-way-nye. Kray is Kray. And THIS kray is a hypocrite: Dont be fooled into thinking this kraykray’s finger aint as dirty as the the people he’s pointing at. 💩

  • Kanye, keep having your current wife schlobbin on ur knob in front of families eating lunch in Italy. Wait, why limit it to lunch?! Yes, obviously u must be the better role model. 😂

  • Grab your kids Kanye and run.

  • Sean Combs thought he was king
    He created his own drug ring
    Kicking women, he thought he was tough
    In prison he’ll find it quite rough
    He’ll be going away for life
    To become some cellmate’s wife

  • Kim K was always an evil nasty diabolical 304! Nothing new with this wicked family!😈👽👹🙄😡😤🤬🤷🏾‍♀️😎

  • If diddy had any sense he removed any videos when cassie left him

  • We need to stop referring to this PoS by his street name. Call him Combs or call him Rapey. But stop with the street cred names. Hes scum

  • Lights out for Kim but she will still have money

  • I don’t understand why so many loans???? If they have so muchhhhhh money? They spend more than they make. I don’t understand!!!!! I prefer to live humbly even if that means living paycheck to paycheck. A lot of these people spend more money then what they make. I truly believe more money more problems when as greedy as all these so called people . They love the cameras the paparazzi it’s disgusting to me. I’d rather again live humbly and teach my children and my grandchildren morals like I’ve taught them all my life. It’s OK to be successful. It’s OK to want a nicer house to live comfortable!!!!what is not OK is what all these people are willing to do to get all these things!!!! Then people wonder how long have they been doing this and they’ve been getting away with it. The sin here is the love of money we all need money to survive, I understand that, but I don’t love money or material things. The only thing that I idolize is God, our father. People don’t realize when we die we don’t take it with us. We have to answer to God. I hope they’re all prepared because that’s one that they cannot get away from and they can’t buy their way out of it. God is a merciful God and he does justice all this is just pure evil. You can run but you can’t hide 🫣 so I ask you all was it worth it 100% absolutely not. 🤦🏼‍♀️

  • She a Madame, and it would make sense, she pimpedkim out a long time ago

  • Is this AI? The pronunciation is WILD on some of these words 😂

  • Ai generated videos suck ass. Can’t even speak the text correctly. Comes out of the freeing pan? 1:15 lol

  • Since the very beginning of their fame, I never liked the Kardashians, especially how they got famous and how they became what they became I mean, it was through a sex tape from what my knowledge of it was at that time and if that’s all you have to be famous and then everybody would do that but famousfootballer that’s it that’s how you get famous??!! I thought talent is what got you famous or hard work or not being a scumbag is how you got successful because I try to live my life, honest and open minded and open to others, but as far as the Kardashians if you are in the public eye and you’re gonna get looked at by people like me who’s never liked you and will never back you so now you justproved all the things I thought about you. Congratulations proving to the world that you were everything I said you were and everything. I said you weren’t good you’re the opposite.

  • The principle of action and reaction, also known as Newton's third law of motion, states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

  • I bet they were going to unalive Bruce Jenner and capitalize off his life insurance, more views and probably a book. Hisnonly escape was to turn i to a girl. Its that crqzy

  • Yup Kanye you were set up by them to seem crazy and 51 50 too get your cash those underhanded associated with the same bad deal for Brittany . I BEVIVE IN YOU. THANK GOD YOU NOW ARE AWAY FROM YHAT FAMILY WHO ARE SERIOUSLY INVOLVED IN DIDDY FREAKOUTS AND SELLING GIRLS FOR MONEY ¿¿ come on Kris.what worse manager mom could you be.? Get your kids away from that family Kim is not ores3nt as a mom onlycan interest in herself absorbed fame.

  • They need to check out why OJ had his kids sign NDAs….Kris was involved with him..and who was ac cowlings?..a handler?..was Nicole a sacrafice?..and then Robert kardashian supposedly dies naturally , and the lawyer who defended OJ dies…hmmm where s Ac Cowlings…Deadman don't talk…I wonder what connections there…what was OJ to Kris..she had a thing for him didn't she?…khloe?.

  • It’s funny how everyone called the ppl speaking the truth "crazy” now look at y’all lol NOW YOU BELIEVE HUH

  • Corey Gamble is probably a CIA asset. Nobody knows his family? He's probably a Cleaner too. Maybe a Professional Assassin. This dude has a Dark Aura of Strange about him.

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