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  • Now if any singing contestant wants a job from kangana !!😂

  • Shame on Mr Vishal , in the name of freedom of speech anyone can do anything. Line need to be drawn . I think someone needs to slap him to see his reaction . Sir u are quite old to say such immature things . Firstly learn to respect women secondly being a celebrity it’s shameful to hear from u.

  • Let's all slap people we don't like. Let's promote anarchy, let's justify the killings of our great leaders, this is a very dangerous behaviour being promoted by this mad guy Dadlani, he should have some sense, even if his music is senseless

  • Vishal fool takala, there are so many unemployment. Do something for them n stop creating violence to this country. Boycott Bollywood.

  • Vishaal tu itna girega yeh ab pata chala
    Issi liye Ooper waale ne yujhe apang kiya hai
    Aur tere Khaandaan mein bhi Apang Paida ho

  • Vishal aap kya example set krna chahte ho, shame on you.

  • Bollywood mafia always the center of Anti national elements and supports Naxalism,jihadist and khalisthani .When they speak against the govt then it is a freedom of expression..when kangana express the truth like protesters taking bribe for protest .then it becomes injustice ..what types of Democracy they want …just investigate how many fake farmers take money for protest..just do independent investigation..

  • What is the necessity of Naxalism ,jihadist and khalisthani in democratic country like india ..Indian govt must implement strict law against such supporter who openly support such elements. There should be no excuse or forgiveness with such anti national elements which threathen the national security.

  • क्या रे ईन्डिया तुझे और कोई नहि मिलि जो ईस हिजडे को हिरोईन और नेता बनादिया?????

  • Bal ke shat saht dimag bhi ud gaya hai. Someone slap this takla

  • Kangna says lot off things in past about farmers so she deserves this

    VISHAL SIR🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • विशाल ददलानी की बात का कैसे आप लोगों को दर्द हो रहा है, आजादी भीख में मिलने 2014 में आजादी मिलने ,किसानों को खालिस्तानी कहने के लिए ,जब प्रेम श्री दिया गया , सांसद का टिकट दिया गया,फिर उसको जिताया गया,जबकि ये सब करने वाले अपनी चोंच में उस किसान की पैदा की हुई रोटी ठूंशते है तब कोई पीएम के खिलाफ,कंगना के खिलाफ नही बोला था आज जो बोलने वाले बन रहे है,उस समय क्यों गूंगे बहरे हो गए थे,आज क्यों पेट में मरोड़ उठ रही है।

  • Dadlani,
    You should be ashamed of your reaction on misbehaviour with kangana at airport.

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TechTrends Tom

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