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How artificial intelligence is transforming Hollywood

Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing Hollywood productions and raising new questions. CNBC’s Julia Boorstin shows us how …


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  • Ai Isn't taking any important jobs… it's replacing bs jobs.😊

  • Can someone explain where was the “AI” versus better green screen, faster cpu, video overlay. I remember facial recognition used points on the face to reference an identity. I did not see any thing the computer did that showed independence… see said “algorithm” but that is a process that is followed.

  • If this displaces the Uber rich Hollywood stars I think that could be a good thing in the world.

  • Good. Actors have been flaunting their annoying politics in our faces for far too long. Anything that hurts their profession is a good thing.

  • Well now actors who are more so on the ugly side, might actually be more so on the famous side. Because they will finally be able to show their talent , even if they arent oh so beautiful.
    Less vanity. Sounds wonderful.

  • honestly hollywood could use some intelligence right now, they seem to be lacking in the natural kind…

  • So basically instead of 20 actors you now need 5 good ones to make a movie.

  • No wonder they don't care about the strike. They can bring back Tupac and Bruce Lee , put them in a buddy cop movie, and let Charlton Heston,and
    reboot the Taken franchise

  • So true ❤ a lot of changes in Hollywood we need to adopt to it
    We can’t fight it
    This is our new reality

  • The Future is coming guys, that AI’s is here for.😒🤦🏻‍♂️

  • It's a great thing that everyone can make a film about themselves and their lives. They can unleash their imagination into reality, with people, circumstances, and events they want to experience. In fact, everyone could watch their own movie and create hypothetical scenes they would like to live in reality. Then people could be in the spotlight themselves

  • AI Movie Stars or AI Movie Star is a great brand to own

  • When using Ai in movies, why pay more for movies, when there will be no more effects costs for programmers, because they will de facto pay money to create one organization that owns artificial intelligence at a time when many young people want to be programmers, scams on people go leap forward, us vs. machine factories

  • I don't know about this. I would still use prosthetics and CGI suits for verification. Then again, if we were to use Brainiac in a live action superman film, AI could be used to make the special effects generate faster for his looks.

  • I can't say I have too much sympathy for these hollywood elitist double standard narcissistic a***** Ever since social media gave them a platform

  • This is terrible for extras and small level actors. Hollywood wants to use your likeness for forever and only pay you once. Hate it.

  • Yeah, I can hardly wait to watch this stupid blue robot.

  • When CGI came along many whined about job losses and how they "wouldnt pay to see fake computer generated scenes" but look how massive it is and what it made possible. Progress is unstoppable….you can try but will get left behind


  • Honest question: Will Mocap still be relevant?

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