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  • Absolutely Mr. Neil, the studios controlled everything where their stars were concerned and I do mean everything. They in essence owned you. The studios held tremendous power back then and yes they even seemed to have the police in their pockets as well. The police turned a blind eye and deaf ear to a lot of the goings on by the stars back then. Even murders.

  • Completely disconnected from reality those people no body can own another person or their actions

  • Good evening Neil,👋👋👋🇦🇺🇦🇺thanks for sharing, thats a bit scary. Sounds a bit like "China" spies and controll.(no offence) just my opinion.

  • My favourite stars,I loved the "golden oldies",great piece of history!

  • Well done Neil for all the wonderful refreshing tales from the past, also truth on the ex royals. We are never too old to learn.xx🤗

  • Good Day To You Neil, thank you once again for your incredible news stories, it never ceases to amaze me how you get all your information you must have a never ending list of friends & contacts in high places & this shines through in your work every single day, we truly appreciate all you do for your followers, what a fantastic wee family we all are thanks to you Neil. My favourite journalist by far…

  • 🇭🇲🦘👋 What a very fascinating 'insight' (if not a little disturbing) as to how much POWER these Hollywood Studios

    had regarding their 'so called' stars. Stars ⭐ they may have been, but (in many cases) at such a high price. Protected by the Studios (and protected by the 'bought for' police force) but when 'released' from a contract, many 'one time' stars, left to 'work out' life, on their own.

    It must have been hard! As the higher they were, the harder they fell. Unless, you had 'something' extra special or 'someone' extra special, to help you into the future. I guess you were all washed up.

    We tend to hear about the 'good news' regarding the stars from the Golden days of Hollywood, but seldom about the 'bad news' that the Studios spent so much, in trying to hide. Not always for the good of the stars either, but for the good of the Studios. I think another name for it is "Damage Control". What a terrible way to live.

    "HOLLYWOOD UNCOVERED" indeed! Uncovered to the naked truth.

    "Thank you" Neil xx 👔 ⭐👋

  • Thanks, Neil, for another great story from the past .
    👋👋👋👋👋👋👋 to Neil and my fellow chums from Vermont US

  • Even back then…it was “Rules for thee but not for me”

  • As soon as I saw the pictures at the start of your report I was struck by the photo of Robert Ryan and reminded of him taking to the stage at Nottingham Playhouse in the 60s! He played Othello, something that wouldn't happen today. He worked a lot for RKO studios so very fitting that his PIC was featured in your RKO / Pathe news reports. This was excellent because we all knew that some were 'naughty' and now we know how they were kept out of the news! I ❤❤❤ your insights into Hollywood, Neil. ❤

  • Hi Neil, hope you’re feeling better. A lot was hidden behind a glittering veil 🙏🙏🙏👵🇦🇺

  • All that glitters is not gold!! Such an interesting story of how much our golden age stars were controlled by the studios. Not a very appealing life but I guess the starring role was the ultimate goal. Thank you Neil for this revelation.

  • I had NO idea that MGM had its own police force! I figured the Studio had some way to muffle indiscretions, but to cover up actual crimes? Wow – THAT is a whole other kettle of fish! And we worry about police corruption today. It still amazes me how some scandals are just coming to light even now. How sad their lives must have been in reality. 😢

  • Fascinating stuff, Neil. Love all these insights into the not so Golden Years as it turns out. Thank you.

  • This is fascinating stuff Neil. I know of someone who lives in Montecito who dreams of having this level of control over everything. Sadly for her things have swung the other way where the media appear to have most of the power today.

  • Wow such a controlled job ,no wonder Judy Garland fell apart,she would have no idea what real life was like 😢😳 Thankyou for sharing Neil 👏👏👏💖😎

  • Definite hints of St**n/U**R and H****r/ N** G*****y in their behaviour. Maybe I'm just cynical but somehow I suspect much of this still goes on today with many modern ''stars''.

  • It really sounds appauling for the poor stars being spied on like that. I was never a Brandon fan but loved James Dean and Paul Newman was so good to look at……Thank you for these snippets.

  • Neil you have had wonderful opportunities through work to meet all of these stars of the day. Not sure if I would like to be controlled that way but then again if you are making lots of money you will go along with many things. Interesting indeed.

  • Did not a former husband of Bette Davis die under suspicious circumstances?

  • I guess these people wouldn't have made a living without the studios, but it isn't a good story ….too much control. Oddly, although I know this to be true, it sounds like the plot of a film.

  • Talk about the Hollywood Mobsters 😮 no wonder there were so many rumours 😮

  • 🖐🖐🖐🖐.Hello to Neil and our lovely community here. Have a wonderful weekend. We are in for a very rainy weekend here. ⛈️☔️😂😂

  • ❤❤❤ I'm loving this content 🤟 more please and thank you so kindly!!! This is what I so enjoy about you Neil, you are a Mary Poppins bag of entertainment ❤❤❤

  • Big Wave Neil! Thanks for bringing this to us. Control of Hollywood actors and their lives just horrible. Much ❤ from across the pond.

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