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COVID testing “breach of trust”: Health-care providers call …

There’s been plenty of reaction to a Global News investigation into COVID-19 rapid tests procured by the Canadian government …


See video for more information…

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  • 😂😂😂😂😂🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑

  • Boo hoo, let it go this Covid junk has gone too far, this is all liberal fear mongers.

  • Last year – bad cold and asthma attack – doc says ‘those tests are not accurate at all! If you are sick we just assume you are covid positive and go from there.’

  • 🤣🤣🤣😅😅😅😂😂😂😂😆😆😁😁😁…… trusting the system doesn't give anyone health….!!!!

  • Trudeau government says shut up. They needed to spend the money to impress Canadians, not to actually keep them safe.

  • Pretty funny that there is COVID and no one gets the flu anymore or any other sickness 😅😂

  • People are not getting sick from covid, your getting sick because ypur immune system was ruined by the jab….Jabbed people are 7x more likely to end up in hospital… So since you have a poor immune system, look up supplements to help such as Zinc, Vit D and C

  • These tests were used to Justify removing our civil liberties. Global news was complicate.

  • It should not come as a surprise that testing won't always be accurate when it requires people to perform self-labotamies in order to get a "sample".

  • the swabs that go up against the nose brain barrier contain all sorts of nasty stuff and go through the barrier into the brain.

  • I remeber being openly skeptical about the inconsistency of these tests. Think about the amount of unnecessary quarantines and mental health issues with that… the missed jobs… your coworker having to stay home because you tested positive (or not!?). But, I was just a "right wing conspiracy theorist" for questioning these things. How original. Slow clap for our government and its blind followers.

  • test kits worked for my family…flagging positive tests and clearing us when we had recovered.

  • Those lesson could be avoided if our politician have top CGPA in STEM. Manipulating data is common in the industry, who in the right mind wouldn't test it bfr ordering big batch. Art degree cannot perform management. Same reason that Freeland should have canceled RBC buying HSBC. HSBC has so many bad debt.

  • I do not trust these tests at all ….what is it exactly? What are we shoving up our nose ? Not doing it anymore …thanks

  • Every single time that I took a rapid test, my results said "inconclusive". Even if I had been quarantined in my room for a week. 🤷‍♀️

  • 3 years later you figure this out? Lol You have blood on your hands.

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