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Angelina Jolie Reveals Plans to LEAVE Hollywood After Divorce Battle | E! News

Angelina Jolie is opening up about her plans to leave Hollywood after her and Brad Pitt’s ongoing divorce is finalized. The actress …


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  • Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?

  • The kids love both but stand with mom, that’s telling.

  • It’s about 30 years too late. This woman is a toxic person who is emotionally abusive towards her children but hides behind a persona of being an doting mother’. 🤢🤮🥴

  • BFD. Bye! Her ongoing legal issues are bc she refuses to let the fighting end! Seven years of fighting says alot about both parties. Disgusting! Those kids are the ones paying the price for their parents acting like sh*tf*cks. It makes me sick to see two adults behaving like vengeful idiots.

  • Meh, doubt anyone will miss her anyway, she's a toxic manipulative person who needs therapy, she is only beautiful on the outside but has a black heart on the inside.

  • Don’t come to our country lebanon anymore liar hiding behind humanitarian reputation bye 🤣😆

  • I saw this video on the right side of my screen and had to comment.

    Well, Brad Pitt DOES supposedly have a new girlfriend.

    I really thought Angelina Jolie was going to do something extra special as a star. Could an actress be more popular and talked about? It is disappointing to me that with all the supposed problems Brad Pitt has, she didn't first separate from him or insist on going into family therapy and try to save their marriage. Instead, she filed for their divorce. Now, it has been some years since the divorce, and in interviews, she continues to bring up the divorce and the "pain" that resulted from it.

    Why did she seek a divorce if she was going to act like this.

    Strong, independent, fearless Angelina Jolie. That's how she has portrayed herself, especially in the roles she's chosen.

    Really??? I thought since Brad Pitt is an abusive alcoholic and she wants to protect their kids, she'd dump him and go on bigger, better and living her best life. I thought she would get serious about making good films and perhaps switch full-time into that instead of just acting. She's no longer young and she's not going to get the great roles anymore.

    I don't think Angelina Jolie cares much about her career anymore. I think she wants to disappear somewhere and just hang out with her kids. I wonder if she even has any close friends. I can really see now how her parents' ugly situation must have traumatized her. She probably wanted an ideal family life more than anything else in the world.

  • Angelina Jolie Bertrand Voight the most charming and carismatic actress of Hollywood. ❤❤❤❤❤ she is an ANGEL. ❤❤❤❤❤❤.

  • ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • Stunning! It took her 3 decades to figure out Hollywood is a "shallow place". Acquired kids like collectibles. Yes, Cambodia is your kind of deep place.

  • Who cares!!! I think this says it all. "“We’re seven very different people, which is our strength," she explained.

    Jolie made headlines in November when she posted a message on Instagram criticizing Israel for its lethal military response to the terrorist attack from Hamas militants.

    Jon Voight, her father, publicly berated her for the statement. “I am very disappointed that my daughter, like so many, has no understanding of God's honor, God's truths," Voight said in a video posted to social media. “This is about destroying the history of God's land, the holy land, the land of the Jews. This is justice for God's children of the holy land, Israel." She should listen and learn from her father.

  • Hollywood never was a healthy place. And she didn't seem to worry about the publicity or fame when she started having an affair with a married man. She's such a drama queen

  • California is a great place to live with beautiful weather. You don’t have to stay in Hollywood necessarily.

  • Custody aren't there kids older now? Move do whatever who cares girl.

  • I never liked her anyway. Always thought she was an overrated actress. Not to mention she is a crazy SJW and a home wrecker too. It’s no wonder her famous dad wanted nothing to do with her. Plus, when was the last time Angelina was in a good and memorable film?

  • I am so sure that her grown children will want to go hang out in Cambodia. They will have lives of their own
    or does she not allow that of her only friends.?! The woman is impossible !

  • Cambodia is Undeveloped Country and low education. What are her thinking ?

  • Leave Los Angeles because it's been destroyed by democrats w the homeless and crime problem that aren't resolved. Yet she'll maintain her leftist leanings. Go figure.

  • I gotta say Angelina has culture and emcourage to explore. I admire her in that aspect.

  • Even though I would hardly call myself a Jolie "fan,"  what Jolie expresses in some ways is spot on. Jolie is not the first really famous actor to say as much; there are quite a few others. When one lives in Hollywood, LA, it is easier to understand Jolie's point of view. In some ways a vapidness exists. At times, money and materialism are all mindsets based on houses, cars, clothes, and fame are everything.

    On the other hand, there is diversity and creativity which is lacking in many parts of USA. Yet this predatory vibe that lurks in regards to people needing or wanting to work (artists, actors) is hard to miss. It is much better to work other jobs and pursue one's art without that "desperate" vibe. There is many types of work out there, and something admirable about those who do other work rather than settle in their art. Plus when opportunities come up in their art work, there is not the desperate need for money.

    Money is not everything. Enough studies indicate once most people make enough, happiness is not improved when they earn past it. The number is not too high 80k for most places and higher for places like LA(higher cost of living). Yet that number is only as good as psyche of person(s) in understanding life will not improve in contentment due to materialism especially when so many are bombarded with reality life of excessive living and riches!

  • She was always too real for that place.

  • Looking at her kids is like watching a Disney movie or having a pack of Skittles. Every color under the rainbow. Kudos for adopting

  • She has to leave and live in seclusion. She can not bear to see Brad having a good life without her. More drama for attention. A very toxic person right from childhood.

  • You mean all these years went by with them not together and their still married waiting to divorce 🤦🏽‍♀️

  • good don’t want her. and she’s only moving so Brad has to jump through hoops to spend time with their children. if she lives far away it will be a hassle for Brad. I never realized how much of a narcissist she was all these years. and brad was toxic in his own way

  • 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💋💋💋💋💋💋

  • They don't wanna say the real reason she said she's leaving…. dirty hollywood $ funding genocide

  • Those kids are going to be very well rounded for sure. 🌏🌎🌍

  • She came,she saw…..she took,slept with,got married and had a couple of angels.The only angels apart from poor Jennifer Aniston….SO BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYE!!

  • je t'aime tellement Angelina Jolie je ne sais pas comment je peux ton contact

  • The divorce she's dragged out for 10 years and may do so for another 10 years?

  • Hooray for Brad!😊 Now he can have some peace. As well as the kids, biological ones anyway.

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