This celebrity news will astonish you… let’s put it at that.
This celebrity news will astonish you… let’s put it at that.
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So when you get to the top , first off you should be grateful the Lord blessed you with success and money and say a praise. Better yet why not give back to those who are struggling somehow. Really try and make a difference. I have nothing(literally)but two wonderful kids and I try and find the joy in everyday. Not happiness. But joy and give praise for everything I don’t have and everything I do. It’s all perspective.
Stop blaming the victims
Couldn't think of a worse career
Why doesn't anybody ever name names?
So they can't name names because of the statute of limitations, but Jean Carroll dragged DJT to court YEARS later? 🤨
Ego Vanity Greed
Statute of Limitations is a cop out!!! If you WANTED to bring these idiots down, you WOULD!!! Then there's a CHANCE of stopping it. So you talk all this s#$t and then say "I have a gag order," so I cant talk about it. Which means, YOU sold your soul for a check and now you're selling "BAIT and CATCH" videos for money and STILL not telling s%$t!!! Crawl under a rock and don't come back to talk UNTIL you grow some BALLS to tell the truth. ALL THIS TALK AROUND, YET NOBODY'S SAY S$#T!!!
They get raped and continue to work in the industry their whole lives and speak put when its too late so the next child actors can face the same faith. Its terrible it has happened but theres other jobs they can work where you don't get raped but they want the money and fame so bad theyll keep their secrets. To be raped multiple times? Shit happens once id never be going back there again.
Cory i completely understand why you don’t identify ❤ I haven’t even come forward with my abusers.
Just one child is worth more than everyone in hollywood. Those folks aren't special, in any way.
These people are worshipped and its disguesting. Please look past the money. Your soul isnt worth it!
These people are truly evil!
P diddy was just to wake you up.
But truth be told your not being told the whole truth.
P diddy goes all rhe way to Obama and The United Nations.
It's called child sex trafficking and your United States Government is directly involved
Honey they East coast NOT Hollywood….😊
Same story next group of hosts talking it over ….growing it up for the fuller story. At one time the idea to find whos who as a paternity was about same skit off the norm ….thinking to cultivate story sending off doris day son to manson to others from across country ..all the way to washitton dc or cali. Each with owrsona to talk all day long but in circles that ring the Rosie. Trust that regardless the gain then , layer ftom whomever, and as said thoseteen runaways then, which slso were calked hippie chicks , the offered situation disposal also went into rarely seen rookie of teams or paid kept vermin
Now who's the ones that might match a son who could be one famous guys to a old friend prior to acting or singing? Each dtep of dramatics sends more incoming stories , movies , sidelines , needs for dispisinv, lawyers affordable, krpt people, opened broad perspective and more entangled plights? Who blames others, supplies demand for more law , holds pricing , opens or shutz barred places, values their ways more than truth values , pushes others , tries representing some unless they choose a clean look, analyzes minds for contemplating or twist stories fitting to other supply demand ? Theatrics abd constraint
At yet everyone worships hollywood harlots..I also love how people who make a living in hollywood are saying this ..What does it say about them.. Bombastic clwns
The city name "Hollywood" comes as no coincidence as holly-wood is known as the witches green ally in harnessing the power in "magic" & "spells" – Hollywood has mesmerized all minds for years by way of spells cast via the means of rapidly flickering light in all video content.
Cory is either guilty himself of diddling kids too or he is lying about himself being abused.
My guess is he was never abused like Corey Haim was but he is just using that story which is just like stolen pedophilia Valor.
This is why he can't name names he is lieing.
Cory is really hurting the anti-pedophile movement.
I was 17 and went OTR (Semi) with my Dad one summer and we crossed America Florida to California.
When we went into L.A. from San Diego and you could see the whole city as you come down into the city and a huge ominous black&grey cloud is just over the cityscape.
It's smog and this was back in 1997 so it has to be worse off today and the in-person general environment just felt dirty and dangerous.
Can You Say Boycott!👎😡🖕
It's pride
I just uninstalled a game that I found out that my money might have gone to something bad. I am going through a nervous breakdown over it. But this too shall pass and my money will never go to evil. I didn't know, but now that I do – starting to unfollow the evil as I am finding the truth.
Someone in the comments mention Isaac Kappy. I looked him up and then did a picture search of home. I noticed one very strange thing with him. He never smiled in any picture. No matter if it was red carpet, publicity photo, personal picture, etc. the most I saw was a very slight smirk, but not an actual smile. And ZERO pics showing his teeth. Some people are like that. But seriously, a famous person in the spotlight and not one single photo with a big smile? Kinda odd.
That’s a BS excuse! “ Corey won’t name names bc of the statute of limitations.” They should be named regardless bc of other children it may or might have happened to. Corey wouldn’t say anything on live TV bc you had to buy his DVD and he still wouldn’t mention names. Or anything of value.
Who is the guy at the end talking about bipolar and how do I see the rest of that talk?
Can you link it ?
Love the Jim man!
Ricky Gervais, Corey Feldman, Mel Gibson, Kenau Reeves, the list for talking out about the twisted elite is not as long as those who are wealthy influential and yet pure EVIL!!!
I hated Hollywood long ago, it’s a devils den❤
I never understood why people want to be famous. It must be a terrible way to live. I understand wanting to get rich but not wanting to get famous. And why is everyone surprised about Hollywood? Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely 😢
Two things, seems like a lot of the folks that the public considers to be kooks in Hollywood that way, because they saw what Hollywood was and chose not to partake, It also makes me think about the G5 scene with Tom Cruise in tropic thunder. This is an open secret got a good laugh out of that scene.
Who is this actor at 17:30 in?
It’s full of narcissists, it can’t be a light place 🤷🏻♀️
As they said the people at the top
That own everyone that own p Diddy.
Who work for Moloch
"Hollywood is a place where they'll pay you $50,000 for a kiss and 50¢ for your soul." -Marilyn Monroe
There would be no Hollywood if they touched my child.
I can't even watch a movie with child actors without wonderful if that child has been victimized.
Hollywood: modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah
Dang who raped him JA LO Jennifer or Diddy or Both???? No no it's the love Story She wrote with Ben Afflick…Or maybe she wrote the greatest Love Story by herself….. But we know it was about Diddy Not Ben
Nobody wanted to be in Hollywood since 90s. CEOs were boy lovers.
Corey named Sheen and a bunch of dudes in Hollywood that are behind the scenes that people haven’t heard of.
Alfie Hoffman
Jon Grissom (not the famous author)
Marty Weiss
There’s more, I’m sure, recognizable names, but he’s too afraid to keep naming names.
He doesn’t want to be blackballed. He’s trying to launch a singing career. 😂
This kind of thing isn't limited to hollywood. Rich people from all backgrounds have been saying this for years. It's why we see many famous artists go in search of a deeper spiritual meaning in their lives. Alanis Morissette for example and Lady Gaga.
It's not just hollywood when it comes to high crime either such as pedophilia, it's been here all along, it's only that people just now began to catch on concerning the truth of human trafficking. I consider it modern slavery just as much as I consider capitalism modern slavery. It's to keep you down so we don't organize to change our world for the better.
🤣❤️ I love the evil voice!
It’s always the ego—which is motivated by one of the ‘deadly sins’ ie. pride, lust, greed, envy, gluttony, sloth, wrath…