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4 HUGE Scandals That Hollywood Kept Hidden

Books (affiliate): Marilyn Monroe: Frederick Field: Ava Gardner: …


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  • Oh please 🤨 this man is DEAD 🥺 LEAVE HIM ALONE. Even if he was gay it's his BUSINESS ❤❤❤❤ LET HIM REST EASY 🌹🌹🥰 HE WAS AND STILL AWESOME 👍👍😃

  • I think in the end, the writer of this piece is correct. Maybe Gable was bi, but I seriously doubt that he was gay…

  • JFK's galpal Marilyn was a commie? Nope. But one of JFK's other galpals Inga Binga? Yep.

  • Well you talk about Ava being a sex nymph But what about the men oh yea they were all virgins lol

  • Omg I’m 78 these people are long gone..why do you need to make your money spewing this garbage makes me sick…no one to defend them..all gone

  • I’d heard about all the rumours before except for Ava Gardner.

  • Will have no trouble forgetting all of this except for Crawford.

  • Frank Sinatra & Ava Gardner were equally matched sexually but lust never lasts.

  • Marilyn was a pill popper and suffered from mental health issues. She had many suicide attempts before her death.

  • Sure glad the days of closeted bi-sexual leading men are past.😂

  • Frank Sinatra rejecting Marilyn Monroe's invitation to "come and comfort her" after the end of her relationship with Miller was wise. He knew she was extremely damaged.

  • I m a straight person , but Ava Gardner was the most beautiful woman .
    After all ,no one can stop you from a perfectly objective statement.

  • 🚩. And this is what is forced on us as moral.

  • about Crwford, it's been confirmed by many sources that Christina simplòy invented everything, and falsed all the horrible things she told about her mommie, whow as very strict woman, but never abusing her own children. it's been confirmed by people who met or worked with Christina that was a very problematic and terrible human being, and hated her mother because she was a start and wanted to be as well.

  • In other words Marilyn was a liberal. Fact is believing in communism isn't illegal. Being a liberal isn't illegal, contrary to some wanting it to be.

  • I often wonder what these golden age stars think of today's modern world we live. I bet they are pleased to be remembered and that their theatrical work has stood the test of time❤

  • I remember as a lil girl my mom being labeled a communist by a neighbor. Her son was a pediphile and mom tried to warn neighbors. This woman spread that rumor that mom was a communist to take the heat off her son. We had to move especially after our home burned down.

  • Hollywood always was (and is) a playground for fbi, cia, mkultra and pedos. Many lost and broken souls.

  • I, for one, believed Christina Crawford. No one knows what goes on behind closed doors. And I would never dismiss someone’s childhood memories.

  • Who is alive to know about Gable's sex life? Who's old enough to know the old men who he slept with? These stories about Clark Gable are just that rumors & sexual fantasies created about him from today's culture. Smh.

  • The old hollywood industry is very similar to the modern day k-pop industry

  • What a load of nonsense taken from gossip. Practically EVERYONE in Hollywood was considered a communist. Almost all top actors were on the "list".

  • The Brit should stick to the Royals and stop bashing the dead. He knows nothing.

  • Love old Hollywood scandals I love these stars and watch their movies more than anything today. I will always remember what Rock Hudson said toward the end of his life. America is not ready for the stars whom i know personally are homosexual. He was right I was beyond shocked by Raymond Burr!! but it changed nothing

  • Ava Gardner's granddaughter Elizabeth Gardner is a meteorologist at WRAL-TV News 5. She's the first woman meteorologist to work for that station.

  • I believe every word of Christina regarding Joan Crawford.

  • MM was a star even bigger than she imagined when she got there but she was not an intellectual giant or she hide it well. She was medically misdiagnosed with various medical conditions. For her to be considered being a socialist or communist was beyond her abilities. She was told by people however she was too fragile to get into any of these. MM was given meds out of buffoonery and incompetent hacks who never really cared. They saw her as a sex object only not a person. MM died early when she was only 36 with years of struggles before then. When she wanted to go to Russia she was thinking of going there as a star. To be adored by even more people based on her business advisors urging.

  • The Hollywood Magazines /1930-45/ describes life of so called "stars" as blissful fairy tales of an Angels.
    And what we learn recently they were just filthy pigs using any hole.

  • Why do people repeat rumors and opinions as fact? They must crave excitement because their own lives are boring and without any accomplishment of their own.

  • I dont think Marylin was kind, but I do think she was naiv and not very decent…….never the less her fans made her an Idol, I wonder why, she was not a victim, she was vane and wanted to be seen and hunted, Elizabeth Tailor was the same man eating vamp.
    Marylin obvius did not reject female affairs, so mourning and missing and crying is a waste of time, she has bin gone for 60 years and that should ring a bell for fans with an important lack of knowledge…..
    There are so few in the big picture, you can pick out as really famous and decent, but most of them got married, divorced, pregnant, and divorced again, and no matter their beauty and fame, they only remmbrers for their almost evil attitude and way of life, but they did leave tears and sorrows where ever they went, because of their bad behavior.enjoying the sweet passions of life. Hollywood did not change it is still the most ugly dunhill of fallen lives….

  • Capitalism is bad for most Americans… millions and millions of Americans are living in 3rd world circumstances… tax the rich!

  • There are some people, you look in their face and have a strong intuitive feeling, if they're good or bad people…..In looking at Crawford's photos, even though she's quite classically attractive, in many of her photos she looks hard, angry and even hateful…………..I've no problem believing her daughter's accusations…………….

  • In this time, people are obsessed with homosexuality and I for one, am fed up with it. Why make sly accusations about people who are long gone?

  • Monroe couldnt act. If she eould have talked with her normal voice, she wouldn't have been considered sexy. If you had money and in a position of power, she was in your bed with legs spread! She was too stupid to even spell cold war. Mickey Tooney said Ava Gardner was a virgin snd he taught her everything about sex and daid she learned well amd wore him out. 4-5 times a night! He should have been faithful to her, he said she would have given him a heart attack.

  • Christ reigns forever! From generation to generation, thou art God! N

  • I wasn’t familiar with half of those old rumors, although my bff and one-time aspiring actor/filmmaker says we talked about it extensively when we were young. Either way, I have mad respect for all of them, and it definitely elevates my opinions about Ava & Marilyn both. While Hoover and McCarthy were trying to persecute every resident and citizen in America for being communists and/or socialists, two very influential figures in America (Vanderbilt & Marilyn Monroe) were liberals who believed in equal rights and possibly equal access to education and healthcare..??

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