Hollywood hasn’t been the most supportive when it comes to homosexual celebrities. For women, it’s even worse. For years they …
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Hollywood hasn’t been the most supportive when it comes to homosexual celebrities. For women, it’s even worse. For years they …
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To each their Own. Love Yourself first then Love who Ever You want. No Judgement. Love & Relationships are Fabulous, as Long as its Not Toxic!!! Love Life!!
Everyone knows about Ellen
God created
man and woman only
I am shocked when an actress comes out as straight.
Just 4 of them is actually a lesbian. the others are Bi
Megan Fox is a MTF!!!
There is a path to heaven and a wider one to hell
So much for being born that way.
Hell is the place
Ophra ?????
allen it is written on her closet door allen's closet
Not true Miley Cyrus is not lesbian she is married Liam Hemsworth….But sorry i have never heard that Miley is lesbian…
Hollywood hos they sleep with anyone who has alot of cash.
Miley also 8snt a lesbian not a Lot of those stars are so quit Lying to people Lia4s can't be trusted
Not one single surprise!
what an unnatural life uncomfortable stories, they live like animals life 🤮
Sick! Sick! Sick! I could care less.
I dont uave to hit Like or subscribe just to watch a video and alot of those arent Lesbiansbmakeup your minds the title says Lsebinlans you mostly talked about Bisexuals
You didn't know and Angelina jolie isn't a Lesbian get you're facts straight
“ gettt by my side “
Lindsey just had a baby so she’s bi
A beautiful love is not deceitful
Wonder shall never end
Why you don't support the one who win you will support los Angle again
i imagine that the majority of legislators who approved of same sex marriage are atheists. Correct?
I think Angeline Jolie Voight, may have messed up her kids. They are too scared to think for themselves. The law should protect them. The way she conducts her life may lead to her harming herself, because she is unbalanced. I hope the children don't do to others what they have learned living within a disjointed family. Hope they gain emotional stability.
I don’t like gay people but this is wrong man the word is crazy 😣😣
Today gay is the trend so they become gay. We know how fame maintenance works.
Only Johnny goolecie can turn a women gay with one kiss😅😂
I have nothink against them at all ,I would not mind to be their friend as soon as they fair ,respectfulland understandable
If you didn't know Ellen DeGeneres was a lesbian you've been living in a cave 40 years
Taylor schilling?
Rn there’s « jojo Siwa » too😅
What a waste of women.
1st Cor:6:9
Or do you know that wrong doers will not inherit the Kingdom of God. Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulteress nor man who have sex with man
Does she really think she was hiding. Head shoulder was several women even before she got with Mr Depp.
Oh dear, the lesbian fad! Following the trend!
Why are so many on display, it is no one else's business surely. Egos on the rampage is it?
Yes most are just Bi. Many people are bisexual!
Anche se sono bisessuali sono sempre attratte anche dalle donne e quindi lesbiche..il problema che nel mondo dello spettacolo dove si è abituati a fare la bella vita si vuole provate tutto..la normalità non basta..
The going on of Hollywood don't seem to shock me as much as it does everyone else, What seems to shock me more is the Heterosexual couples that have been a part of Hollywood for years, who have had good solid marriages. That shocks me way more than bi/homo/ lesbians of Hollywood.
These homosexuals are going to pay for this in the next life. Shameful! People are just weak.
These women are discusting.
Ellen, thank u for Ella, yet when she on my income….
All of you are nasty
They're just Bi, not all of them are lesb