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  • Type-in… "payment"… "credit card"… walla!

  • This is absolutely insane, and is delivered with a hefty dose of unabashed BS.

  • "Based on trust"? After 20 years of hackers you hire instead of jail? Oh…OK.

  • This company has no soul

  • One thing I really like about windows is free apps for everything. And games also.

  • Good job Microsoft. You helped me a lot. Switching to Linux is now a question of "when", rather than "if".

  • Reporter would have asked which phone your using instead of which pc your using…

  • gg on launch.. boss, the problem with ms is that it takes too much to explain your tech… the other side focus on use case and how it improves various aspects of your daily life, i mean those boring nitty-gritty ones.

  • "For people who love Windows"…uhh who is he talking about exactly?

  • I switched back to Windows from MacOS after five years. Microsoft has come a long way and is on par with Apple. I love Windows 11 and recent updates to the Office apps. Also, our devices are being tracked somehow, so recall is nothing to worry about.

  • No reason to use recall and it's sold as the big feature. It's the same as Samsung claiming the S24 ultra was the AI phone. Is that what we are seeing here? Recall is a gimmick. I don't need it. Show me something I want and need.

  • Unfortunately in the future of advertising and marketing every social media platforms are competing for the same profits worldwide because everyone are using at least 6 different social media platforms.
    To be profitable the only way to become successful in the landscape of marketing and advertising we have to go to the next level. Sadly very player are still on the lower level .
    Yes all this is nice to have . The next step is huge and needs the capability for the task otherwise we just circulate the same profits without creating new techniques to creat new extra profits and revenue.

  • Did she really say Browser, or it was just for the interview?

  • Satya is leading Microsoft donwn a rabbit hole. He wants to control you your life, and all your personal information. I wasn't much of a fan of balmer but I would love to have him back now

  • After WWDC, I am looking for Apple Intelligence, instead, YouTube lead me to watch this 😂

  • This guy telling me, "I can trust it" is laughable. We all trusted AT&T with our data, but here I am putting freezes on all my accounts after they get hacked..

  • boss still dont get it, pls improve on the small things first.. start with your login page…

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TechTrends Tom

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