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  • awesome video, What is the stand in the back for the other iPad at the unboxing, seems like there are charger holes in there I need ittttt😂

  • “I do appreciate Apple for listening to us”. At this point, tech YouTubers are just cheap advertising for tech companies.

  • Considering upgrading iPad Pro 12.9 to the new iPad Pro as a replacement

  • do you think, you would be able to create such video by using iPad air 11? Is it strong enough to render, cut, post production, etc.?

  • I looked into buying the new ipad, but to get the one with all the "extras," its like 3k 😂 i can get a good desktop or a gaming laptop for that.

  • Great video, you need to just put the pencil in a drawer somewhere and leave it there. That's what I did with mine, I haven't used it in months. For my handwritten notes I got a reMarkable2 last year and it's fantastic! – it's not even close, even with a Paperlike2 screen protector, iPad does not feel like paper and the tip is just too thick, it's never a pleasant experience.

    As for other work, when did you ever find the experience better on the iPad vs the MacBook Air? – I find that some things are possible, but they are still not optimal, DeVinci is still nicer on a Mac, Notion is still nicer on a Mac and allows you to open multiple windows, switching between workspaces is still nicer, I just constantly feel resistance when trying to be productive on the iPad. I use it purely for content consumption and as a second display on the road and I sold the magic keyboard.

  • iPad OS though… ? how could it replace a macbook

  • My ipad 9th generation still is a god for medical school, i barely use my laptop , for many of us ipad is just a great device, but if you are heavily invested in editing, professional coding or other work definately go for macbook like my brother whose most work is on macbook and least is on ipad and i have most work on ipad and least on laptop plus i am broke also

  • If iPads can replace Macbooks, Macbook sales will drop.

    Apple wants you to buy all products it makes. The reason they invested so much in making them all work with each other so well is not really for your convenience, but to force you into their ecosystem where you will feel trapped into continuously buy ONLY their products when it is time to upgrade.

  • Apparently Tandem OLED / stacked OLED has reduced Burnin, because there's less strain than if you use a single layer

  • Man, you are THE BEST tech reviews. Respect!

  • bro made a short film out of M4 thingy. worth my time. I'm in my bed. Well Fed. Rested. Looking for some tech + cinematic experience.

    this is what i really wanted. this guy knows how to look.

  • I’m not a developer, but might do some basic SQL work. I do create a lot of diagram, process flows, etc. in Miro. I’m considering swapping my MacBook Air M2 and iPad Air M1 for the 13” iPad Pro M4 since I think the pencil will be nice to have for when I’m drafting diagrams during working sessions. Would you think this would be a smart move for me?

  • Thanks for for covering the coding and video editing aspects. I was curious about it being used for photo editing in Lightroom and hat burn issue.

  • As I have the TikTok Home Screen ‘burnt’ into my phone.. I guess the apple screen algorithm ‘really works..’ 💀

  • Editing from another world. Thank you for the visual fun.

  • It still just an iPad anyhow 😂, The thing we need is iPad OS that capable to use as computer and smart phone😂

  • the main things I would want from iPad is the ability to use softwares like audacity and other web based programs in the same way I can on a laptop

  • Nice vid! Funny, I got the 11 inch and I have the same feel about opening the keyboard.
    Also the feel how light and thin the ipad is, when connected to the keyboard, all that is gone! I think that is also the reason why the weight is not mentioned in the specs. 😅

  • This is my very first time to finish one review about ipad pro., well good job man i like your video and your thought about ipad and experience., specially your office place my type of vibes 🤟🏻

  • I think I’ll get the surface pro then. I want a full computer not a portable OS

  • Just curious to know how your experience switching or trying to switch has been like?

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TechTrends Tom

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