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5 Weird iPad Pro (M4) Decisions

2 week of overthinking this iPad Pro Get a real leather skin at MKBHD Merch: http://shop.


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  • I still have an outdated iPad Air 2 since 2014
    It’s time for a big upgrade!!

  • I hope they don’t do this with the new iPhone because I’ve been waiting also I hope they actually release an iPhone because again I’ve been waiting 😂🥲

  • I have the M1 iPad and it’s still, literally, as good as new and impossible for me to tell between the M4 and the M1

  • The tin hat cueing the conspiracy music was great 😂

  • After almost a decade, the apple pencil now supports rotation like the microsoft surface pen, the surface pen still has the back being used as an eraser tho, and the new version also has haptics at the tip to simulate paper

  • You know what I would do? I would keep only iPad mini and the base model and make the base model come in 11 & 13 inch.

    Then cancel the iPad pro and replace it with a new line of MacBooks and I would call it MacBook Touch 😄. So it can be surface-like laptop with touch screen and pencil support. I would add an exclusive mode for it similar to iPadOS to dumb it down for people who are used to iPadOS.

    I use iPad Pro as my main computer, it’s amazing but still lacks some PC features especially if you collaborate on microsoft office apps or coding, you need a pc or macbook for that.

  • Thanks. This review helps. I also have M1 ipad pro 11. And was thinking for a bigger screen with M4. But if performance is more or less the same then does not make much sense.

  • No brick for Europe 😅 I got the iPad Pro 13“ its packed like the iPhone lol 😢

  • i bough latest 13 inch ipad pro after selling my 12.9 gen 5 ,
    have noticed some games i play dont fit the screen right ?
    maybe because its a bit bigger ?
    play mini clip pool and you can not get all the pool table
    in the game ?

  • Looking to buy a new ipad. Mainly use it for taking notes, youtube, playing Genshin Impact. Should I get the new Ipad Air or get an old Ipad Pro (M1 chip maybe…?)

  • Why don’t they save money producing these overpowered tabs and instead increase the storage to 512gb on base MacBook air. This iPad is just a luxury device nothing else , if my work can be done on a 200$ 9th gen iPad why the heck would people buy this.

  • Think about it, they sell us a PRO level device for $1500 BASE MODEL and don’t respect the consumer enough to supply us the best PRO LEVEL CHARGER standard.

  • Respectfully, the boost in STORAGE is equivalent to INFLATION juxtaposited with SHRINKFLATION:
    STORAGE requirements are GREATER yet base capacity is juuuuuuust good enough to get you started!

  • Is it possible to do screen mirroring from iPhone12 pro max to iPad Pro , without any third party app ?

  • Thinner and lighter in a tablet being an improvement feels stupid to me. Id rather any of my devices be thicker and more durable. I hate this trend of fimbsy devices for the sake of being thin, just sell me a robust device again thats full of features. Fucking stupid to have this race to the bottom

  • You always complain on apple products all the time finding one way or another to confuse people not to purchase the product means while you go around making Samsung products like they are 100% perfect if you’re a Samsung product fan it but stop trying to confuse people from buying what they want if you think is easy making all this phones and tablets why don’t you go and open your own company and let people patronize your products okay because no matter your opinion on this products i will always support and get what I really think is nice for me.

  • I hate the Apple white cables and chargers…and white earphones. It broadcasts you have Apple gear which makes you a target.

  • The pro and air have two different keyboards. this would have been a helpful fact as well.

  • There's no good battery life. That is not just accurate. I returned my 13-inch M4 after 1 week as the battery was draining like crazy. Read the Apple Community forum

  • I agree with you about the brick and the cable! We should be able to get fast-charging accessories at this point. I do love my new iPad. I was coming from the 2018 Pro, so I notice a tremendous difference. This is also my first go round with the keyboard case. I love it, as well as the new pencil. I’ll make good use of this for several years to come. I needed the storage bad. I was working with 64 GB!!! This new iPad feels very cinematic and sharper. I didn’t get the anti-glare, but I can just put the Paperlight (or whatever it’s called) on the screen. Great video!

  • I remember that pen hover and clicking features on my samsung note 2 like 10 years ago

  • Hey apple! Can we get better battery life? Apple: we'll do you one better. "No but we can make it thinner. Just like no one asked for.

  • The fake pencil shadow impresses me a lot, I give Apple credit for that.

  • Spoiler alert. Apple will do the bare minimum in regards to iPad Pros and IPadOS.

  • This iPad really was the biggest disappointment ever from Apple for me. I was really looking forward to something new and fresh to replace my 2018 iPad Pro. Thinner bezels, more mature OS. Ughhhh…

  • Bro knows Apple is a Scam 😂😂😂😂😂😂

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