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  • In 1947, the government of the Republic of China drew a nine-dash line and drew up a map of the locations of the islands in the South China Sea. It set our southernmost territory at 4 degrees north latitude and included the Zengmu Shoal within the territorial line. At that time, this U-shaped line or nine-dash line was to indicate the scope of our jurisdiction to the international community and list a territorial line. I think the nine-dash line should be an island ownership line. China should finalize the legal status of the nine-dash line as soon as possible, otherwise there will be endless consequences. Because Vietnam has announced its law of the sea, this is very detrimental to us, because the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea only stipulates a 200-nautical-mile exclusive economic zone, but it does not specify how the 200-nautical-mile exclusive economic zone should be drawn. This requires relevant countries to formulate their own basic maritime laws to solve the problem.

  • China is Very GREEDY for the islands that occupy that are not their's, that they are so far away that they call land or ocean to claim 😢

  • Stupid documentary that doesn't actually explain anything except American point of view.

  • I'm a Filipino. We Don't want War Against China Because Most of the Poor People Will Die of Hunger. The Price of rice Reached Already 80 Pesos per kilo. We want Food not War.

  • ASEAN is weak our friend is being bullied nothing is happening if ever china tried to bullyy singapura i will go

  • Again and again and again. The Chinese dictatorship does what the Nazis did, that is to say that as soon as the Chinese set foot somewhere the ccp demands that this territory belong to it. Currently Beijing is doing the same in the Himalayas by stealing land to Bhutan and India. Thanks for sharing.

  • Asean is welcome but without involvement of US.
    When there is no US, everything is fine and workable. US and corrupt India are just fishing in the muddy water.
    Looks like the war is coming.

  • First of all. Don't call it the South China Sea, at least not that only.

  • What its all about? Its about a squatter who claims they own the place as their own from historical perspective. In another word, China is saying 'we have the money and weapons and there's nothing you can do about it".

  • She somehow failed to mention Taiwan, or Republic of China, actually claims the 11-dash line. Guess it doesn’t fit the “China bad” narrative when a “key ally” supports the claim of the other side.

  • China main goal is to control the universe but the almighty will not favor them

  • Philippines has LEGAL rights to South China Sea AND 400 Filipinos actually live there in Spratly Islands (Pag-asa Island / Thitu Island) for decades. None of the other countries who falsely claim it as theirs live in South China Sea.

  • I rely on this channel for news on Gaza. Now I begin to wonder their news r neutral & true…..?

  • Pls go study the history of Chenghe who made 7 trips to Asean countries & Africa from 1405 – 1455.

  • So many disinformation. 1st, how can she missed out the famous 7th navy trips by Chenghe from 1405 – 1433. All member of Asean are awared of this history. 2nd, Taiwan is part of China, pls refer to UN rules.

  • 3:35 based on their behavior in the West Philippine Sea China is trying to instigate a war they provoke it, they say they are defending themselves and the whole world goes up in flames. Your thesis about a peaceful China is erroneous.

  • I am stopping this at 2:21 before you get too deep into the nine dash line. Are you aware that China has not won a ground against anyone ever? They were pushed out of land they tried to grab from India? They were pushed out of Vietnam in 1979? They were beaten back to the line of demarcation, the 38 parallel in Korea, so that is not a win for them. It took the world to extricate Japan from China. They seem to be able to beat up each other but no one else. I point this out to ask, how are they a ground force to be reckoned with?

  • China's historical claim are proven to be a series of fabricated lies and has no historical validity.

  • 笑死我了,有本事就自己来抢,中国在南海的一切权益来自于中国的二战战胜国地位,东南亚人在欧洲人来殖民他们之前还在树上呢,二战时期日本人在东南亚根本没遇到像样的抵抗,中华民国政府画十一段线的时候没见哪个猴子不同意🤣16年你们美国爸爸在南海来了两个航母战斗群,照样灰溜溜的跑了,现在是24年,无论是俄乌还是中东,打了这么久了美国人敢下场吗?美国的军事神话已经破灭了,菲律宾还想依靠谁?🤣

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