China’s maritime militia surrounded a Philippine convoy on a resupply mission in the disputed South China Sea. It would become …
See video for more information
China’s maritime militia surrounded a Philippine convoy on a resupply mission in the disputed South China Sea. It would become …
See video for more information
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Get out of Thomas shoal..pilipinos
thief, stealing our island, US and philippine🤮
Is weak worthy of pity? The fact is that Philippine ships have been invading Chinese islands and reefs for more than 20 years
China will only take advantage of countries it knows it can bully like the Phillipines, Vietnam, Taiwan etc.
South China Sea
It's hard for me to express how much i dislike chinas actions towards the philippines and taiwan.. China should just take a chill pill.
🇨🇳 9 dash line is CRAZY 🤪🤣 👎
Romams 12:19 "The vengeance is mine", says the Lord
China doesn't want media coverage on these disputed waters so the world won't see how atrocious they are.
Please base your case on the facts of both parties rather than one-sided statements.
I don't even like the US govt tbh but right now they are the only allies we have.
Vietnam always supports the Philippines. Let's unite against China
China a big country a superpower end up to be a THEFT in the eye of all who could see this video and many more…😂😂..their making it publicly and the worst is Philippines can provide evidence and other media platforms..😂🤣.thats a great help
Please make your evaluation from a correct perspective, not just one-sided remarks.
About harassment: If A, B and C gather groups of people, intentionally play around near D's house in an area A, B and C can pass and re-pass but don't have ownership. D shows his presence to avoid theft and vandalism and noise. A, B and C challenge D to chase them away. Who harasses who? Who intimidates who? Who is responsible when polite requests to leave are ignored, push becomes shove and someone is injured? What if A and B in fact come from a few thousand kilometres away to purposely come near to your house to annoy you and D has done nothing injurious to A and B, physically or economically, territorially or even legally.
The video is useless except show the conflict between China and Philippine and making people feel like Philippine is bullied. The key is who really own this territory.
Thanks for Exposing the Cruelty of the Chinese to the World.
Chinese stop claiming territory that is not your own. You are so greedy. You just want to claim it because of the gas and oil deposited there. The map clearly shows that wps was owned by the ph.
Its not south china sea its west philippine sea
Who create this happening,the Philippines government,thry want create this with lie story for the world,they come problems with all the media to lie to the world
Why do our Northeast Asian neighbours fight each other and go down Southeast Asia for adventurism and expansionism?
They didn't mention that Manila deliberately grounded the Sierra Madre on a Chinese island in May 8th 1999, right after NATO bombed China's embassy in Serbia when China is still weak, thus insulting 13 Billion people more than NATO.
Philippines going to lose once USA stop sending money lol history repeats. Without USA their nothing
Just to clear, it's West Philippine Sea ❤ 220 nautical miles of exclusive economic zone from Palawan, Philippines 🇵🇭
Filipinos will shed their blood for their own land…
Can't we all just eat chinese food and get along
That small island is so far from China. Why is China so greedy.
where is your american dad
Why you said the China ship is so close to your ship to hit ur ship but not your ship hits China's? Just coz you are invited by Philip? Ridiculous. Back to the place you should stay.
Did you cure the china sea?
This is already an attack against the Philippines 😠😠😠😠
David and Goliath or David and Goliath's hound.
Well firstly the Philippines president should heed the people's clamor to take independent drug test! How is his frame of mind in making decisions???
"China firmly opposes the US deployment of medium-range ballistic missiles in the Asia-Pacific(CHINA HAD INDISPUTABLE RIGHTS TO DEPLOY ANYTHING). Our position is clear and consistent. The US' (CHINA) move severely threatens the security of regional countries and undermines regional peace and stability," Wu said. "We hope the relevant country (MY COUNTRY CHINA) could refrain from opening the door to the devil, which will only end up hurting everyone including (CHINA) itself."
Anything new? Better economics? Better jobs? Better lives? Better health care? Better education? Other than sea sea sea , drill drill drill
These reporters are there, not by accident, part of a planned provocation and recording by Philipinos
Chinese Coast Guard Will Make Excellent Artificial Reefs 🎶🎶🎶🇨🇿🍺🇺🇸 😎