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TV7 Israel News – Swords of Iron, Israel at War – Day 231 – UPDATE 24.05.24

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  • Now it is obvious that Israel failed and whole the world found out that they lied to them for a century. U.Can't lie to all the people all the time.

  • Israel doesn't use humans as. Sheilds for protection. Nation's against Israel 🇮🇱 are gone Bunker's because they have a right to defend themselves ❤❤❤🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🙏🙏 I'm standing with Israel 🇮🇱

  • I can't believe that I voted for the release of Mandela with such hope and everything he suffered has been thoroughly trampled on by the ANC government that is so deeply corrupt, morally bankrupt, that it has sold our once hopeful nation to Iran, Russia, China and every other despotic regime that will line the pockets of the ANC monsters, for they are no less monsters than Hamas. May God have mercy on our nation for what they have done to Israel and to us. With love, respect and blessings from South Africa ❤️🇮🇱🇿🇦🇮🇱❤️

  • Israel is the golden nation in the world ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • This should be what the UN should considered..OCT.7 2023 is the cause of this war…Terrorist attacked Israel OCT.7…If you were a leader in a nation..will you just seat, relaxed, be silent ..? People crying for justice what this terrorist group done…
    They just want to eliminate this terrorist group..

  • milk in return for tuba that is the word for the land of the Palestinian people! Starting from World War II, Israel, Jews were massacred in Europe, then the UN fled them to Palestine and Palestine accepted it and they started a criminal plan for a country called the 1948 Nakbha incident by forcefully seizing their homeland, killing their religion, colonizing their dignity and eliminating as many people as possible, which was truly barbaric. Do they deserve to be defended and called the chosen servants of the worshipers of Dajjal and Azazil…that's the real story about Palestine! from Nangroe Atjeh Darussalam asalamun alaikum warah matullahi wabarakatuh ☝

  • milk in return for tuba that is the word for the land of the Palestinian people! Starting from World War II, Israel, Jews were massacred in Europe, then the UN fled them to Palestine and Palestine accepted it and they started a criminal plan for a country called the 1948 Nakbha incident by forcefully seizing their homeland, killing their religion, colonizing their dignity and eliminating as many people as possible, which was truly barbaric. Do they deserve to be defended and called the chosen servants of the worshipers of Dajjal and Azazil…that's the real story about Palestine! from Nangroe Atjeh Darussalam asalamun alaikum warah matullahi wabarakatuh ☝

  • Israel at war Against armless innocent civilians… Shameless people supports such atrocities


  • very alarming indeed but not totally true. yes war is coming and several lebanese political groups have to act alongside IDF

  • The most foolish policy Israel has taken in this war is not to wage all out war in the North to remove Hizbollah. If the threat from Hizbollah was removed, this would have a very demoralizing effect on Hamas . Big mistake.

  • wars are no walk in the park, some are righteous others are beyond evil and are scum, and others endorse evil SA bokkas

  • Jesus does not like Zionists, criminals and murderers of children and women. Jesus will burn Israel🚷

  • The main judge in ICC is a Libanese citysen…says all

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