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Trudeau “disappointed” by China’s espionage charges against …

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Friday said he is “disappointed” in China’s decision to formally lay charges against Michael …


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  • Yahha right. He did nothing. They were sentenced and he swept it under the carpet like everythimg. Liberal government needs to go. I watch this and think just another lie speech. No ohh sorry on this speech? Hes famous for that.
    We need to impeach these liberal
    Super Rich and Us Freeland oxymoronic book from 8 years. ago.

  • Well, This should have been dealt with a long time ago. Sanctions against student visas, against CCP members with investments in Canada, only 4% of our export trade is with China….make it 0%: no pork, no beef, no seafood, no rains, no food products of any kind (find new buyers), ABSOLUTELY no LG from the terminal in BC when built for their military. We have a legal and binding extradition treaty with the US just as China has with other countries. They should have no difficulty understanding how it works when requested to enforce he agreement!

  • Disappointed……man that hurts…he can be soooo mean! He is the toughest woosy weasel I know. The Chinese need a real beat down….not just from weaponizing Covid 19 and putting the world on the brink of bankruptcy but for being the most untrustworthy, skankiest nation ever to “metastasis” on earth.

  • Too bad we're big babies and have no real power in the global stage.

  • From expressing concerns to expressing disappointment and hopefully not to expressing condolences soon… SMH
    "lots happening behind the scenes resulting in beneficial actions in the past" = Expressed concerns all the way from the retaliation since Meng's arrest to today

  • Canadog fired the first shot. China will reciprocate.

  • We are disappointed Canada kidnapped the daughter of Huawei’s CEO as part of the dirty war of the 5G market.

  • the Canadian spies should be tried and if found guilty executed fast to stop trudeau pain.

  • Well stop tryin dig up s on china the government been doin for years dont apologies because u you were sorry it wouldn't happen shows u wat u think of canadains send them over be spys but don't like when they have spys her hipacrit a criminal telling another criminal u did wrong

  • Chinese have been disappointed for a long time ever since you guys arresting, no, kidnapping Huawei's CFO

  • Poor Canada always being pick on by America China Russia UK and every other country

  • weak leader. How do you think Trump would deal with the CCP? Not like Trudeau.

    Who the hell voted for him? not me.

  • These poor men will be executed if Trudeau give her over to the USA! Blood on your hands Justin, Trump is signing deals with China as this goes on!

  • So Canada allows their citizens to be kidnapped by other countries.

  • TRUDEAU …….no balls……. no guts……… no glory ………snowboard teacher …part time pre schooler teacher ..look the mess this country is in ..Vote People its up to us to rid this PM

  • Instead of being able to handle diplomatically in early stage if smart enough apart from keep saying arbitrary arrests to insult other country's justice system!! Now this is what you are asking for, heavy charges are laid and trial is proceeded, Trudeau can not say any more arbitrary arrest but now turn into real and concrete critical Espionage charges !! Trudeau must respect other nation's rule of laws and justice which is basic knowledge as a PM or national leader instead of keep saying every arrest of offender is arbitrary in other countries!

  • And Chinese get caught smuggling viruses to China and no one cares

  • Oust communist J Trudeau !!!!!!!!

  • It is your choice to tie up with china no one trust china only you justin

  • What a disgrace and weak PM. China took all our money, same with Africa. And Trudeau still didn't get his seat on the UN. How pathetic and embarrassing Jr. is How much money did he use for those bribes? Canadian's have a right to know the truth, since it's OUR money

  • why trudeau keeps saying arbitrary arrest for two canadians being charged for spying/espionage while saying lawful arrest of Huawei lady CFE . Ever thought of respecting China's legal justice system( trudeau ever known what evidence against two canadians are held by PRC police, if not , better shut up and done according to legal procedures in other country)???? better handle in low profile politically instead of blaming others. Be smart and thoughtful as Head of a nation!!!

  • I am disappointed that you use our tax dollars for personal gain and then try and hide it when caught Trudeau!

  • I'm just enraged over China's Prime Minister Xi Zhinpeg's beef with my country of birth! Shame on you Xi!

  • Disappointed?


    Mr. Trudeau, they have blatantly ABDUCTED two of our citizens! Until they present evidence of their crime, I think most Canadians can say that this is an retaliatory action against Canada for the Meng Wanzhou extradition case. It is has been 500 something days, as Meng lives in her million-dollar-mansion, roams freely around Vancouver, and fighting her charges in a fair, just legal system with an army of brilliant lawyers, may I ask what is happening to our two Michaels? Have been fed properly? Are they allowed to communicate to their families? Have they been tortured? What evidence did the Chinese Communist Party present and how are they fighting it?

    Mr. Trudeau, as a country, what is our bottom line? What is our core national interest? The Chinese Communist government might be thuggish but they have clearly and effectively communicated theirs to their citizens and the rest of world. What about ours?

    I understand the CCP-led country is much bigger and more powerful than ours. We a small country, but we are not a weak country. We can't do everything, but there has to be something that we can do. Maybe trade tariff, maybe visa restrictions, maybe corruption investigation on Chinese official's real estate property in Canada? We understand these are double-edge swords and they are also going to hurt us? But we must go back to our original questions – what is OUR bottom line (they abduct 2 people, 5 people, or 50 people?) and once crossed are we willing to go to fight for it?

    Mr. Trudeau, you have the responsibility of leading 30 million proud men and women domestically and abroad. You have responsibility to show to the world that politness and kindness should not be taken as weakness and an avenue that leads to indignity for our citizens.

    Mr. Trudeau, please stand up.

    Mr. Trudeau, please lead.

  • he needs to stop trying to be nice and actually make decisions to put his people's priority first no matter how unpopular it makes him. when dealing with china, they're exploiting "western liberalism" and the need to appear holier than thou. that's why china keeps getting away with it.

  • Frankly Trudeaus response is weak given China basically kidnapped 2 innocent Canadian citizens and is charging them with death penalty offenses, their consular access is cut off too. This is an outrage for Canadians. Stronger action needs to be taken

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