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South China Sea Dispute: China Uses Water Cannons on Philippine Vessel

Video released by Yuyuantantian, a social media account affiliated with China Media Group, shows China Coast Guard vessels …

Title: China-Philippines Tensions Escalate: Water Cannon Attack on Philippine Vessel in South China Sea Dispute

In a fresh escalation of tensions between China and the Philippines, a Philippine vessel was targeted with water cannons by Chinese coast guard ships in the disputed South China Sea on March 7, 2023. This incident, reported by Reuters, is a significant development in the ongoing dispute over territorial claims in the region.

The Philippine Foreign Affairs Department confirmed the incident, stating that the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) vessel was conducting a regular patrol in the West Philippine Sea (WPS), the country's name for the South China Sea, when it was confronted by Chinese vessels. The Chinese coast guard ships allegedly used water cannons to drive away the Philippine vessel, marking a new level of aggression in the ongoing dispute.

This incident comes amidst heightened tensions between the two countries, with both nations accusing each other of provocative actions in the disputed waters. The Philippines has repeatedly called on China to respect its sovereignty and cease its aggressive actions in the WPS.

The South China Sea dispute is a long-standing issue, with China, the Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia, Taiwan, and Vietnam all claiming parts of the sea. The dispute has been a source of tension in the region for decades, with numerous incidents of confrontations between the countries' naval and coast guard vessels.

The latest incident is a reminder of the fragile state of relations between China and the Philippines, and the potential for further escalation in the disputed waters. The international community has urged both countries to exercise restraint and engage in diplomatic dialogue to resolve the dispute peacefully.

This report is new and provides a fresh perspective on the ongoing South China Sea dispute. It highlights the need for diplomatic efforts to resolve the dispute and prevent further escalation of tensions in the region.

See video for more information

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  • Southpaterner need of Vietnam. Malaysia.indo. Taiwan.pilipin.japan.korea.astreilia.USA.9 country's.

  • It’s clearly stated by the name of the sea “South China Sea” !! its mean this sea is under China jurisdiction, other countries must realized this… I am being unbiased 🙏🏼

  • 2016 Hague ruling invalidated Beijing's nine-dash line claim that covers nearly the entire South China Sea. Philippines only claim areas of West Philippine Sea which is within its exclusive economic zone in accordance with UNCLOS not the entirety of South China Sea like China does. Please China, follow international law and show the world you’re a civilized country and not barbarian.

  • Your question should and will be: where the hell is United States?

  • 菲律宾叫美爹救你吧!只打你们没啥意义!

  • To stand firm against international pressures, especially from powerful nations like China, the Philippines must solidify its internal governance by introducing severe penalties for corruption within the government, potentially including capital punishment for repeat offenders. Nagiging kawawa ang Pilipinas dahil sa mga buwayang corrupt na officials. Kapagka proven corrupt yung goverment official i classify na natin sila as candidate for death penalty, otherwise resign.

  • The world is watching if what kind of stupid behaviour the Territory greedy Dectator China in WPS ,they wants to STEAL the Philippine Territory by harassing and bullying the Filipinos very shameless and Territory Greedy this DECTATOR CHINA trouble maker and number one violator of International law of the sea, thats why they have a very bad image in International community…GET OUT OF THE PHILIPPINE TERRITORY GREEDY DECTATOR

  • 🇨🇳我们的政府对待菲律宾入侵者真的太仁慈了,下次他们在入侵我们的海域就应该用火炮把他们的小船炸烂!

  • i see this as a direct attack with a weapon on a vessel

  • You just build your country beside our island, it doesn't mean that the island are yours. You philippines stole our territory so you shall pay for it.

  • US is trying to turn phillippine into ukarine blackmail legally charge president to do it


  • I find it so funny how China picks on the small have they used water Cannin on the USA ships something tells me the cowards have not
    they pick on the weak . Does China not get it if they want war with the USA millions will go stand side by side with the USA
    from IRELAND true the EU Poland the new superpower glad we are with Poland

    as for Russia trying to bring down USA drones send up 4 f22s when they try it in Syria again that's war shoot down the Russia planes they won't try that again
    but most the world is with the USA they have keep use all safe for yrs they came running when China att India and the USA had 2 AIRCRAFT CARRIERS
    SITTING IN THE INDIA SEA ready for the call from India .
    funny today i went in to a cake shop needed to use 10 euro for buss fare so I go in 3.70 for a small cake but the shop needed only cards
    so I said ah its ok ill go up to the other shop and the woman handed me the cake and said enjoy I was like are you sure i said thanks very much
    and this girl was from India such lovely people. And China tryed to bully India lol are they mad we all go to help India to
    From Ireland to AUS TO JAPAN ALL EU will send millions of men and woman to help India or Japan or Tiwan if they get att

  • Philipinos are plain stupid irritating a superpower

  • we got comrades lol usa, japan, south korea. i think sk is our comrade

  • If it was their territory, they would probably destroyed the boat and arrested all its crew.

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