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  • All these people want to keep attacking after the terrorists attack. Then all of them need to go. The world does not need them .

  • I stand with Isreal. Christians know Jews are God's chosen people.
    We should be backing Isreal and no one else. Stop all monies for anything going to Iran and Palenstine. None of Palenstines neighbors want them coming there. They know Hamas is a terrorist organization.

  • Israel is only terrorist state in middle east before creation of Israel middle east was save place. Israel terrorist state is only country uses ancient made up books to justify stealing land from inhabitants and justify killing innocent civilians because of bible and religion book

  • Hypocrisy

    The world is silent on the Arab attacks towards Israel which is very bad

    Why will Hezbollah Hamas and most of Arab countries using strategic points to in attacking Israel communities

  • Be patient Palestinian Muslims, may Allah give you a great reward. Hold on to your faith and Allah will never waste it.

  • The left will say that launching rockets at Israeli civilian is “resistance”

  • There's going to be nothing left of southern lebanon in a year

  • Seek the Lord, while he may be found.. his hand is not short that it cannot save🙏🏾. Lord Jesus, have mercy on all and help us to to look up.. for our redemption draws near. Forgive us, cleanse us, wash us of our sins and give these countries peace. May you open there eyes to see that you are the Lord. We need you to intervene, show mercy, forgiveness, and give us all grace. To may innocent people are dieing. Lord Jesus, deliver us from the deception and plans of the enemy…

  • Good! Somebody needs to stop Izrael and IDF, they were issued arrest warrants by ICC. Izrael & IDF are going to continue unaliving Palestinians until Somebody puts a stop to it. We all know damn well it's not going to be their buddy Biden or US putting their foot down. Natty is already in FL or NY or CA hiding out protected by AIPAC.

  • Everyone who try’s to protect themselves from the ISREALis terrorist you say are terrorist!! The Middle East has been a mess since Israel got there !! Sounds like ISREAL should not be any longer

  • Netanyahu is not an American politician and shouldn’t be given a platform to speak to Congress. Israel is using the U.S. to help them murder over 30 thousand people. All those people killed had a right to to live and were deleted like they were nothing. Israel is harvesting the organs of the dead and sending them to the USA to be sold.

  • They are the occup,came from Europe they have to leave the region. Peace will prevail

  • What's happening across the world is alarming! And it's not normal. But, people are still not paying attentions and praying for God's mercy to falls through for mankind. Because, they are so preoccupied in the sphere of life and put God in boxes somewhere. But, there will be darker days ahead of us until we take the necessary steps to repent and acknowledge the most high God. 😔 ❤

  • anybody can on attack Israel but Israel don't do Counter attacks

  • Why isn't anyone talking about a 3 state solution. Gaza as country in 21st century and deal with the West Bank separately, I believe a border in West Bank should be be on the map, but no access to Jerusalem

  • @2000Salve

    0 seconds ago

    All this war is not Hamas war it's Iran's war. with the name of Palestinian want have to control the intire midle east, instead to focus on Israel region is better to focus on Iran to stop the behavior in the region

  • If there is a border
    No check points, no more siucide bombers

  • Doesn't sound like it's time to do what Demented Joe wants!! Is Israel supposed to keep getting attacked, but Israel isn't supposed to anything!! How stupid is that

  • 1999年4月25日天还没亮,我村同修大婶烙了几张发面饼带上,我们就坐上列车去北京上访,为法轮功说句公道话。












  • It makes sense to make peace in Gaza, but Gaza has to elect their own Government again, from the younger generation, they don't want to be part of the the Palestinian Authority

  • As a Terrorist organization I wonder why the don't follow Israelis lead and flatten civilian homes.
    And not just at military targets.

  • Do you mean hezbulla fteedom fighters, if you think you are correct then you should address IDF as Israeli state terrorist army,

  • Trying to usurp the populous narrative 🤣. “All eyes are on Rafah”

  • Seeing this comment section is like watching a group of apes and comming from fox network i wouldnt expect any less

  • Netanyahu supported Hamaas and wanted them to attack so they can refuse giving Palestinians their own part in a state in the area. Using Hamaas as an excuse to mass murder is just as gross as Hamaas targeting civilians.

  • Israel who the actual terrorists doing killing children and women

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TechTrends Tom

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