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Israel Battles Wave Of Terrorist Attacks

In Israel, thousands of mourners took to the streets after an armed assailant killed five people while firing from a motorcycle.


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  • Is "Free Palestine" antisemitic?

    It is antisemitic, because it is premised on the belief that, alone among all the nations of the world, Jews have no right to live and govern themselves in their own native land. “Palestine” is Israel, the native land of the Jewish nation. The Jews who live there are not colonists from somewhere else, they are the indigenous population, some of whom never left, but most of whom returned home after a long enforced absence.

    Establishing their own government there was their natural right, just like the French have the right to govern France and the Chinese have the right to govern China. But “Free Palestine” means that they don’t have this right, and must submit to rule by the minority who are descendents of Arab colonists, and who have never hidden their intention of massacring the Jews and making them a subject race, dhimmi in their own land.

    The Arabs of “Palestine” were Hitler’s allies in World War II, and ever since then their goal has been to continue his work. Mein Kampf is widely read and admired in all Arab countries, including in the “Palestinian” territories, and Hitler is to this day regarded as a hero. The blood libel is openly promoted and believed by the majority of the population. That is antisemitism pure and simple.

  • When terrorists come and illegally occupy Palestine and then expect the Palestinians to not free their country is a stupid minded criminal

  • Products of incest cast out of the garden of Eden in their quest to devour any trace of our ancestry.

    Build this Israeli kingdom bigger than ever because we wait for Christ’s second coming.

    Vile Israeli filth whose only afterlife will be damnation


  • So the people who’ve had for over five thousand years of living in the same geographic spot, having been killed constantly while their land is stripped away from them because a god claimed it another peoples holy land, after said group was scattered across the world for disavowing itself from this same gods commandment not to separate their kingdom into two, and then in 1945 same group relocated yet again to this same peoples same geographical coordinates with no break in their living habitation after over five thousand years of living there are picking up firearms and fragrantly flying bullets into a crowd of occupiers who for over five thousand years have been killing them, well isn’t that special?

    No wonder Moses threw the commandments down and chose to die East of the river Jordan.

  • 2:09 Palestinian men don't cry while praying for their victims, they know they will be in better place, while the rabbi knows were the Israeli is heading….Hellfire!

  • But they kills the phaleslinians to

  • Well this is what apartheid, stealing houses and ethnic cleansing buys you. Violence! Tadaaaa

  • It all started from the terror of May 15 on 1948 commonly known as "Nakba Day" (day of destruction) when the Arabs (Palestinians) were expelled from their homeland by Zionist terrorists on behalf of the Jews, but the majority of them are atheists. The race is only Jews, but actually the majority of them are not religious.

  • palestenians have every right to attack isralis whej they settle in west bank and take palestenian land all support to the great freedom fighters of hamas and palestine against the settlers

  • The Israeli will tell you how he's being persecuted, but he will never tell you why.

  • Well England created the mess in northern Ireland and they created this mess in the middle east too.

  • when a Palestinian does it, it's terrorism, but when an isreali does the same, it's a "clash",

  • The gunman looks like an Israeli agent to me.
    The Israelis are the most notorious Liars in history so I definitely don't believe anything that they say.

  • Biased media again, twisting the narrative to make Israelis look like victims.

  • funny how they called those who fight for their land terrorists

  • Poor Christians there….stuck in the cross Fire of these two brutish nations.

  • A lot of people try to make this a political and religious issue but let me dumb it down for you guys, Palestine is run by a terrorist group, said terrorist group sends terrorists to massacre innocent civilians on a painfully common schedule, yet you defend that? I get that Israel was placed in Palestine without any input from the Palestinians but that doesn't give them a right excuse to commit terrorist attack after terrorist attack on innocent Israeli citizens.

  • what about the millions of palestinians, including CHILDREN, killed by israel apartheid regime?

  • Israel is the terrorists… From the Jordan to the Sea Palestine will be free. May God shine his favor on all the innocent children indiscriminately killed by the Israeli apartheid regime.

  • I propose they do more research of body armor to make it more lightweight and less vulnerable to bullets and explosions.

  • I wonder they never cover what Israel has been doing to Palestinians

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