China is using bases in Cuba to monitor communications and gather intelligence throughout the southeastern U.S., a practice …
See video for more information…
China is using bases in Cuba to monitor communications and gather intelligence throughout the southeastern U.S., a practice …
See video for more information…
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0:18 is the dj software called traktor
I got it that how I know
Here's the lesson to be learned here… if the US would start giving more money to countries with non white faces, China or Russia wouldn't be able to have influence in the places that they do. We're the richest country in the world today, we got it to give. Just add the budget to our military spending like they do for everything else.
And what about USA spying Dilma Rousseff past-president of Brazil?
So they're saying we should be worried about the USA spying not China right?
Come on, why China builds a spy base in Cuba, but not directly settled in the US? Does Cuba excel in communication infrastructure to collect US information?😅
good job
Doesn’t the US support Ukraine for doing the same thing to Russia 😂
This is an awesome explainer. Thank you
Seal team 6 blow the door open with c4 just to find out it was a sweatshop full of kids making counterfeit Nikes. 😨😥😭😭😭
Focus on the ones at the end of it.
Thanks biden
Cuba needs to remember their place in the world – literally. 60 miles away from us.
2:00 that's not how 22000 miles look 🙂
Wanna break down U.S. spy bases in Taiwan, Hong Kong and all over the world?
Hilarious, since murica use austrALIEN & singaPORK so spy on ASEAN countries and the plot got expo5
Mysterious that the F-35 pilot ejected and nobody explains why he ejected from the 100 million dollar aircraft and the rumor that it could be remote ejection
Someone other than the pilot commanded ejection from the satellite linked aircraft that they couldn't find after the incident ????????
QUESTIONS, SUSPICIONS AND CURIOSITIES ,,,,,,,,,,,,,!!!!!!!!?????????? who is telling the whole story ???????????
Good for them! Checks and balances!
Traktor DJ interface at 0:17 ???
F Chyna
Ironically, spying/intelligence gathering is a stabilizing agent that prevents war.
China – would do & might do
USA – did it & doing it
If USA can do it.. Why can't china?
00:18 is DJ software by Traktor 😂 and it's the outdated 2. Versions not the 3 pro version. Hpefully nobody is spying on that for the sake of their future.
HMMMMMMMMM, interesting. Perhaps a correlation to Guantánamo Bay? The Mauritanian, Communism, et al
Ah s*** here we go agsin
This is very big gamble for the CCP thus far, if this is “ as worst as the Cuban Missiles crisis “ in 10/16/1962.
The CCP are very aggressive and no respect for our country, it is at our doorstep.
It’s so obvious this is another operation to demonize Chinese citizens to both the American or Cuban population. This is information warfare. Like the “spy balloon” lol.
China needs to build a Base there as well.
Funny how Alice Springs, Australia spy base wasn’t mentioned, or even on their map. Other countries do the same thing the U.S. does and the U.S. gets upset.
This is stupid. China doesn't have to spy.. The US gives our information away.
China will shut down wsj in Hong Kong and Singapore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Could this be another of the US lies🤔
Cuba has to be careful because of US is not happy with Cuba, US can stop supplying them with democracy
I can’t believe we focus our attention on Ukraine and fighting other proxy wars, and let this go on in our back yard
The us is afraid of it's own Shadow but it's time is near
pedoyankees in seol so what?
it is the CGHQ Chinese version.
When did WSJ become a propagandist? Although China really look into building up a military base in Cuba🤔🤔🤔
China openly surveills a vast majority of it's citizens U.S. tries discreetly I think this nfo should be an eye to sell discreetly
Well easy thoughts and doublecheck
Cuba Chino!!!!!! 🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳
Wouldn’t all these satellite dishes have encrypted traffic?
Usa sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!! China is better than the USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!