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  • In my opinion, as an Indonesian Muslim, the most appropriate person to replace Ebrahim Raisi is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as President of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

  • Find Sinwar and get this war overwith

  • The ICC is as corrupt and satanic as the UN. They should be ignored until common sense prevails and they are disbanded and the criminals running them face justice 🙏🇬🇧❤️🇮🇱

  • The ICC is now turned biased and supporting Evil! Where is common sense! Israel was provoked by Hamas and is only in self defense and is a victim of terrorists aggression! Only Evil Hamas leadership MUST be arrested and charged!

  • israel has a right to defend itself. Hamas hides behind Civilian there was no condemnation from the ICC on the October 7th attack on Iseael civilians

  • Netanyahu is only protecting his country and people and they never started this war.ICC should put to jail staff of UN and UNWRA,Putin,Xi Ping,Duterte.

  • Hey Israel, Gods chosen people. Life seems to be full of opposites, good, bad, right ,wrong, up, down, and so forth, That means there is a perfect polar opposite from the river to the sea, So it seems reasonable that those demanding a detailed plan for post war Gaza be told from the border to the desert, That's the plan and you don't even have to say pretty please!

  • Absurd! Why are there no arrest warrants against Hamas leaders?

  • I'm praying that God will plant friendship and peace in the hearts of the two nations. We all deserve to see the beauty of the world. God bless us all.

  • We the sane people of the world will not forget or fall for the corruption in the UN or other organisations like them,we stand and will rise up for Israel❤❤❤🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱

  • Blessed be the God of Israel and blessed be the Israel of God. Blessed 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

    With this decision the ICC has unqualified itself and is no longer worthy of any consideration.
    If the ICC is unable to distinguish a terrorist organisation from a democratic Nation that has every right to defend itself, then there is no need for such an organisation .
    It is clearly a complete waste of money. Useless jobs for useless people.

  • Da može idemo oboje unutra so to see šta devedesetih.. župe i Zrenjanin, UN deals.. prosecution.. kragujevac trebao bi tzv Mihajlović ko je taj sto je dss.. RUSSIA UKRAINE ASKING

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