The Israeli military invited journalists, including NBC News, to view footage of the Oct. 7 terror attack. The IDF also released …
See video for more information
The Israeli military invited journalists, including NBC News, to view footage of the Oct. 7 terror attack. The IDF also released …
See video for more information
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How about Israel will let journalists inside of Gaza?
Don't let ANYONE convince you this started on
Oct 7,
1. Haifa Massacre 1937
2. Al-Quds Massacre 1937
3. Haifa Massacre 1938
4. Balad Al Sheikh Massacre 1939
5. Haifa Massacre 1939
6. Haifa Massacre 1947
7. Abbasiya Massacre 1947
8. Al Khisas Massacre 1947
9. Bab Al Amud Massacre 1947
10. Al-Quds Massacre 1947
11. Sheikh Bureik Massacre 1947
12. Deir Yassin Massacre 1948
13. Jaffa Massacre 1948
14. Tantura Massacre 1948
15. Al-Quds Massacre 1953
16. Khan Yunis Massacre 1956
17. Al-Quds Massacre 1967
18. Sabra and Shatila Massacre 1982
19. Al-Aqaba Massacre 1990
20. Ibrahimi Mosque Massacre 1994
The leftists that deny this are EXACTLY like the Holocaust deniers and they don't even know it
The whole world should see what Hamas is all about and the brutality they use. Disgusting woman and children. Just disgusting
Självklart ska det visas.
How did Hamas fighters, not get spotted in the most surveillance military zone in the world. How did men with light weapons take 3 army bases, full of trained soldiers and armoured vehicles?
It's May 10th now……Biden is withholding bombs, munitions. Maybe he should see this video.
If Germany had not been bombed we would all be under the German flag. Don’t judge Israel for fighting against their genocide.
All the cars are hit by Apache helicopter….you couldn't find a video that they were killing civilians….but you could make fake videos…
It’s so heartbreaking 💔 😢god bless israel 🇮🇱 ❤
Meanwhile those clowns idiots don’t believe that this happened
Perhaps show some actual evidence instead of what is told by others! Since many claims by the media are now declared untrue.
The people who think this is fake and the pro-Palestinian protesters on Campuses are all animals and should be deported to Israel or Gaza and see what it's really like…
Ppl forgot real quick
free Palestine 🇵🇸
Look! I am an old pro Isreali and ardent anti Hamas. Even long before the incident, I prefer to examine the evidence myself rather than rely on governments or the media. I'm not even Jewish but a strong Isreal and Jewish supporter. I do not believe anything that comes from governments or the media establishment. I find it insulting that I have to be nannied as to what I can watch, and only a selected few of the media – a selected class, mostly Western nations (White media) are shown the video and then, these people have to describe it to me in text form, having watched a secret screening of a video and then ask me to believe it [I.e., the printed text or narrated opinion). Sorry, but I'm not a child and certainly not a lower class that needs to be told what to believe by the establishment. What was Isreal thinking! I find it totally insulting!
Sorry, but I have no trust in the media, and I refuse to believe anything unless I see it with my eyes. I am far from pro Arab Islam or Hamas, as anyone who knows me can attest. However, I'm not a child and certainly not a pleb, where I have to be told by a special class of the media what to believe. I think Isreal made a big mistake in not releasing the video (unedited other than blurring victims' faces) to the entire world to see for themselves rather than choosing a selected class from the media (predominantly from White nations) to show it to. Even strong supporters of Israel like myself who prefer to see the evidence for myself rather than being told what to believe by the media make me question the accuracy. I really hate to write this, but I've always been a free thinker, and I do not believe anything unless I see it for myself. Isreal also made a big mistake by not showing it to the world, because it now opens the floodgates for those who have always harboured anti Isreali sentiments to come up with conspiracy theories detrimental to Isreal, or simply refer to it as an Isreali hoax or a Hollywood movie. I do not want to call it a hoax, because I believe something happened on that, exactly what/how/whom, I don't know because I have not seen the evidence with my own eyes to determine things for myself. I do not like the classism displayed here – as a strong opponent of classism, neither do I like the patronising act of treating the rest of us as little children. This should have been shown to the world with a disclaimer at the beginning of the video. At this very moment, I don't know what to believe, but I refuse to believe any input, either video/audio commentary or written text from any media house. I do not even watch or listen to the news from these media houses unless I come across their shorts on social media. Isreal made a big mistake. It has now given conspiracy theorists to run with the narrative that this was all orchestrated or fabricated by Isreal in order to attack Gaza. Very big mistake!
Hamas is a terrorist group. If this happened in America no one would question them for starting a war. No one from America had a problem with America going to war because of September 11. People really need to wake up. When armed forces attack civilians then it is a terrorist attack.
let me get one thing straight for people who say we support hamas. We are PALESTINE supporters, not hamas supporters.
And then someone from UK saying…free Palestine
This "conflict" or "war" didn’t start on October 7. Read your facts. Don’t let the lives of over 20,000+ oppressed and innocent civilians die in vain.
Video of confirmed massacre and all the 'pro-Palestinians' pile on. True colours.
WHY would s seemingly intelligent woman wear a pig ring in her nose???
This is what happens when you invade someone’s land
All lai
This is what happens when you invade another country to steal their homes and their land.
What is happening in Palestine is concerning but what do people expect Israel to do???? Lay down and wait for hamas to rearm and get killed ?
Free palestine
Islam the religion of peace 🙄
Why was there no IDF , Police or help of any kind on that day for 6 plus hours ?
Israhell tells you what’s happening, Palestinians are showing the world what’s happening. Israhell has been caught lying about manat things, baby beheadings, honouring ceasefire when they never accepted a ceasefire in the first place. Funded unlimitedly by the USA, not allowing aid in Gaza for civilians and they say they do? Game is up. World knows what Shitreal stands for. Real Orthodox Jews are even against the Zionist ideology which fascism at its best.
بزودی هم حکومت منفور و هم گروه های تحت نیابت چ حمایت حکومت اسلامی ایران از حماس و لبنان گرفته تا سوریه خوف و وحشت خواهند کرد.
Israel killed thousands and thousands of children.
Isreal 👍👍
And this is a mild video they got worse videos out than this
The left during the 2nd American Civil War 0:51
Israel you are free to do whatever you want to do Palestine and hamas are both terrorist
The real face of phalstians /False too
This is the story of a liar from the tongue of an infidel who will not tell the truth, Palestinian children and women who have died now 35000 do you care right?
She is referencing some movie scenes, Netanyahu and Biden's speeches also seem to be inspired by movie quotes. That tells you about the intelligence of their supporters
Sad, that they show a father and 2 kids dying and forget to show all the parents and kids they themselves have killed in repay
Fake claims