Carleton University’s Fen Hampson and the Macdonald-Laurier Institute’s Brian Lee Crowley discuss China laying espionage …
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Carleton University’s Fen Hampson and the Macdonald-Laurier Institute’s Brian Lee Crowley discuss China laying espionage …
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The first person is smart and straight forward. The second gentleman want to give more pressure to China? You think western backed Hong Kong issue which started around the same time and pressure from Mr. Trump and border problem with India with is an other friend of USA all this pressure is not enough plus we are all dealing with Roni Rona situation here. All the countries pressuring with British heritage don't you think it sounds like school kids bully?
Trudeau probably sent them over there to give China a way to manipulate Canada.
Don't put that flag in your mouth we know where its been. Up Trudeaus trunk oh sorry no worries he is up there many times a day.
It is a shame to detain a lady who has not offended any Canadian law.
Wan Mengzhou's family feeling sad and depressed as well.
Resignation might be an option, but that doesn’t work, you always kowtow to USA
Stop buying Chinese food, or as they call it , food. lol
i told justin to shave for work last week.
clearly he forgot who he works for.
Arrest all CCP family members that are in Canada as SPIES for the CCP. Then we also have hostages.
If anyone thinks that Canada is not in the spy game, I strongly suggest you DuckDuckGo the organization that, under Trudeau, has replaced Canada and stolen Canada's former sovereignty: The Five Eyes + Israel.
What a joke to listen to Trudeau talk about the independence of the judiciary – less than a year after Trudeau flaunted his above-the-law status throughout his lies during the SNC Lavalin scandal
Apologize to China and release Meng Wan Zhou. Then resign. Trudeau and his entire regime.
That would be a start.
He should wear pink socks
Put Meng in a real Jail not in mansion, bodyguard, Limousin with video coverage. Our 2 Canadian dont have the same. Canada Pm should not Bow or Bend down. China CPP always bullies most of the world taking all small island pretend they r helping, China dont follow the rules, China really showing that they are the winner n rich country, they can take any countries they want.
Start deporting…
the ccp is a world tarriest origination all dept and assets are a proceeds of crime .a total ban on trade with china is the right thing to do .
Now China is learning the bad tactics very fast from America.
Canada foreign policy is directed by America. Canada has no real foreign policy at all. They must take order from America.
The Canadians are crying as if they didnt start this war with china. China should arrest 1 Canadian every week until Meng is released
Come on Brian….Who is the trouble maker here? This crisis is caused by Canada arresting and detaining Meng….China is more than willing to do a prisoner exchange but Canada rejected it. And yet China is the trouble maker?
What pressure campaign Brian? Michael Kovrig and Spavor have been in jail for more than 560 days already. Surely if your so-called pressure campaign is working, they would be out of jail already? You are delusional if you think China will release them without a prisoner exchange? What promise are you alluding to that China made to Canada? That she should subject herself to Canadian law while you illegally detain and extradite a Chinese citizen, Meng?? What is your solution to the problem then if not Fen?
If a business woman can simply be attested, then there’s nothing wrong by arresting spies.
If ms meng is sent to usa by cànada then canadà will face hèavy retaliàtion from chinà. Canàdian living ìn hk chinà if found guity by court will be jailed. No more tràde with china no more 5g by huawei. Camadian not welcòme .all for 20 yrs ro come. So please blame trudup n his rule of law colloborating with usa.
Stop all business with the china. Once again a country that has leaders with small ball syndrome
Why was HK even mentioned? This is interference. What would Canadians think if China comment on, say, Quebec seperation?
Conservatives & Liberals Signed Security Agreements with USA along with 100 Countries,Trump can take Meng anytime.
Canada gives into China's Blackmail,would make Canadian in Danger around the World.
Trudo is clueless the only thing he knows is how to suck up to commie china and beg for forgiveness….