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Global National: May 26, 2024 | Hamas rockets strike Tel Aviv, Israel retaliates with airstrikes

In top news tonight, air raid sirens blared in Tel Aviv for the first time in four months, as Israelis scrambled for cover from at least …


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  • Just wondering why Hamas wanted all these happen to Palestinians? They knew jumping to lion cave could have very bad consequences which make the lion happy.
    Make sense only if the lion (Israel) planned that to happen to satisfy its hunger.🤔

  • How on earth did Hamas manage to fire rockets into Israel? The terrain of Gaza is under a microscope from USA and Israel.

  • So Hamas can launch missiles & thats okay but Israel does the same only in a better way and you all lose your minds. The hypocrisy of the west towards Israel is laughable.

  • who are these CHILDREN demanding the University do anything? The Bible says it's a curse on a people who follow children.

  • Thank you Global Mail for reporting both sides of the story.
    Almost every other major news outlet ignored the reason as why Israel retaliated.
    They just focused on the Gazan deaths and not on the Tel Aviv missile attacks, because as we know deaths and drama sell more than the sophisticated technology iron dome that Israel invests to protect civilians.


  • Hamas hides around civilians. That just goes to show you how evil they are!

  • Well Messi just did the exact same thing to Hong Kong a while back. Seems like a pattern

  • – To me, it seems that this episode, Jeff S. & Globel are more concerned about the people in Gaza than the people in Israel. Should Be Equal Coverage. The rockets were launched from Southern Gaza.[ Raffa ] Of course Israel would retaliate.
    – People pay Home Insurance to have peace of mind, if a disaster happens. The sad thing is, is that the Insurance Companies do not want to honor their clients. The Government of Nova Scotia should honor their word & commitment to the people.
    – Canada should consider having MANDATORY SERVICE. Make it worthwhile too young people. Offer help with Tuition Fees as an incentive.
    – The soccer fans should be reimbursed at least half the ticket price.

  • Norway, Spain and Ireland have no legitimate right to divide the Holy Land..Their leaders will face the wrath of God.

  • Talk about the burning of children and women sleeping in tents

  • Mandatory military service is a good thing when we have lots of gangs going around creating havoc in our towns and cities,at least they can learn a skill while in the army and serve their country.

  • In all this chaos one person was injured in Israel when his/her soft drink fell on his/her dog , an investigation is under way and we shall know the truth soon

  • Israel 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🙏

  • A new low for the Israeli government… sending rotten food to a starving slaughter open house.

  • "If Israelis don't want to be accused of being like the Nazis, they simply need to stop behaving like Nazis" – Norman Finkelstein

  • Israel must keep international Law, convention other wise One day Accountable for such crime against Humanity!

  • Hamas nema kapacitet da rajetiranjem bilo šta postigne, to je cionistička propaganda

  • Shalom ➕❤️ Israel ❤️🇮🇱❤️➕❗

  • Who is giving the rockets and how are they getting to Gaza? Wonder why no injured Jews being shown?

  • Funny how they allegedly run out of food but never of rockets.

  • why did you strike Tel Aviv ? That is a stupid move to of self-destruction

  • Talk about the beheaded baby from Gaza 😢😢😢😢

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