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  • This title is just like "America claims almost all of United States of America“

  • US is shit stirring again to create instability and tensions. US is never sincere and tries to leverage to promote its influence. Too late.

  • Just hope this channel don't try confused people believed you said ok. That's not true about China claims almost South China Sea. China never Claims South China Sea. Who's the one keep send their Warships and Aircarft Carries from way far so many thousand miles to the South China Sea threaten all Asia nations. The whole world people knew so well which country did. Just hope Veitman leader never forgot the Vietman war ,what have this evils country done the pass. They came here trying to pull Vietman involved to against China only. Vietman should never put 100% trust this evils countty what ever they try using sweet talk. These's nothing will happen at South China Sea at all. All that evils country just lied and said by themself only. Also China right now have to be storger to protecting their own country and Asia. Hope all Asia should stand with China together to protect your own Asia. Don't let that evils country came to control Asia.

  • AMERICA has no shame after trying to take over Vietnam and Killing many people now they want to be friend.😅😅😅😅😅

  • Because the US mindlessly operates by an INFINITE growth modality called capitalism, it just cannot, in its pathologized mind, extricate itself from suicide by two paths. The first is that when all is at a loss it will resort to "nuclear-kool-aid" Jim Jones style!
    The other path it has no control over as long it continues to press forward in the face of the Law of Cause and Effect! The Force of this immutable Law has always been in effect while literally "waiting" for us to change course. But if "We the People" cannot intervene on our own behalf, our species may likely be done.


  • Communist china doesnt have the rights to tell us what to do with edca and phlippune waters

  • China 9 -line is illegal, null and void…the world must intervene before another Eukrane like war happen s.

  • Blinkin is there for VIETNAM PART II, 🤣🤣🤣🤣👍👍👍👍👌👌🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • Thanks to US Democrats President Carter and Bill Clinton who made China a Superpower country threat to all Asian countries today. Vote for Democrats party. Make China Great Again.

  • People crying about America hegemony in the comments, guess what? No one loves America more than the people of East Asia. According to a Pew Research report from 2017:

    "Publics in the Asian-Pacific region are generally more positive toward American ideas and customs. Seven-in-ten Vietnamese (71%) and 62% of both Japanese and Filipinos say the spread of such American attributes is a good thing for their country. Over half of South Koreans (54%) agree."

    "In the Asia-Pacific region majorities in South Korea (78%), Vietnam (69%), Japan (63%) and the Philippines (57%) also like American democratic ideas."

    – Pew Research, 2017

  • To all those who love to hate America:

    "Vietnam loves the United States the most. Vietnam has the most favorable view of Americans with a favorability of 84%. Despite the immense damage from the Vietnam War decades ago, both the United States as a whole and Donald Trump remain popular in Vietnam." – World Population Review, 2023

    "Almost all Vietnamese people — 95% of them — now support capitalism, according to the Pew Research Center, which polled nearly 45 nations late last year on economic issues." – USA Today

    Suck it.

  • US seems constantly pushing various countries to go to war with China, but not themselves cos they think they are smartest while others are idiots

  • 1969 America president Nixon bomb North Vietnam. Remember that or not. All the Vietnam high range officials hide in China.

  • Mr Blinken is smart guy , he know how to deal with vietnam become usa friend instead russia and china..if usa and vietnam become ally, then usa is more stronger .

  • Suddenly America needs Vietnam….

    The Vietnamese need to remember that America attacked them on a false pretense…..!

    Have some GUTS Vietnam….tell them to get stuffed!

    Why should they let America use them??

  • Thanks you so much america for helping the phlippines. God bless america

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