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China aggression: White House responds after military threats escalate | LiveNOW from FOX

China’s defense minister on Sunday conceded that a war between China and the United States would be an “unbearable disaster …


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  • Just stop buying ‘made in china’ products for a week or more and their economy will take a big hit. We need to stop building these bullies up and get back to manufacturing locally and trade with less maniacal countries.

  • The world don’t pay any attention to America because they been lying all the times .And their hubris arrogance and superiority complex don’t intimidate China Russia and the rest of the world.They lost all respect credibility they are a toothless Rottweiler and the world are fully aware.

  • I believe that China isn't who we should be looking at, I think the world has to worry about India.

  • Stop asking when this counter offensive is going to happen. No respect for people like that. I happens when it happens. Goofs!

  • The problem is did this happen near Jincheng Township Island, of Taiwan, that's also located in the South China sea or not, with the boat, and jet incidents we're talking about closer distances than Russia an Alaska. I mean, the United States of America is taking advice from Loyd Austin who supported Donald J. Trump's withdrawal from Afghanistan.

  • You gotta to hit the mad dog hard if it barks in front of your house

  • why China ONLY HAS ONE miserable ship in Taiwan Straits if China claims Taiwan is part of China. ?
    China is very strange . Dont understand their logic.

  • I’m sorry, but the Chinese vessel was on the port side ahead of the American vessel, meaning it had the right of way. The American vessel should’ve powered down and cut to the port into the wake of the Chinese vessel.

  • ☮The British and USA provoked the Russians to a war in Ukrainian by killing 14 thousand Russian children, women, and older man in the DONBAS area. The Ukrainian people are been used by NATO, in a PLANNED PROXY WAR AGAINST RUSSIA. Do the people of Taipei, TAIWAN know they are next to be used by USA-NATO IN a PLANNED PROXY WAR against CHINA? The USA is arming Taiwan to give their Government the allusion they can win a war against China. Think, In 2014 Obama&Biden through the PENTAGON & NATO started the Ukrainian war by given military training to 900 thousands Ukrainians and put lot of weapons including biologic weapons labs in Ukraine to exterminate the Russian and their promising economy as it was intended in China with the COVID19, These Bio-weapons give the Ukrainian Government the allusion they could win a war against Russia, but, most if not all of that 900K are now dead. TAIWAN will suffer the same destiny their island will be destroyed, except they get rid of their corrupt senator and president♏

  • China gets aggressive and America backs down like the weak and woke

  • America is a fraud, obviously China is not aggressive, the aggressive America has military bases all over the world, invades other countries.

    American impostors

  • 1)Taiwan & China belong to one country, therefore Taiwan channel is the inner sea of China, not international water.
    2) Many commercial ships pass Taiwan channel is no harm passing. Military aircraft spying 30 miles from China territory, it's not no harm. 3) How US will feel when China military aircraft spying 30 miles from San Diego 1200
    times per year?4) US has no territory island or sea near China, why flying in front of China's front door closely all the time? Isn't it provoking? 5) US didn't sign International Convention on the Law of the Sea, and often violates and above international laws.
    True bully and aggressor has 800 military bases around the world, invading Iraq, Syria, provoking bear……

  • The us is destroying my life. I always want to visit the world. But the us only want war

  • A sea version of EP3E replay can bring much benefit to PLA Navy modernization program. So typical of bandit regime tactic!

  • The US has just opened up for military bases in the area if China set up military bases in Mexico and Canada would we be upset

  • lol western colonizers again with their lies and playing divide and rule policy.😂😂 stop sending warplanes and war ships near other countries and stop calling it aggression when it your own fault 😂😂😂 have some shame 😂😂

  • There's always some kind of mishandling and miscommunication. A lot of fuckery🥀💨🦍

  • China steals intellectual theft, is behind pumping Fentanyl in to America, go out of the way to undermine America ! China is not America's friends !

  • Vietnam went well, korea went well, almost lost against japan and now lets see how this goes with china 😂

  • Well this a joke. China makes all of our antibiotics. We don’t make antibiotics. So one reason why there will never be a war with China . Joke. Justifying endless budgets.

  • Don't worry,we will deploy our secret weapon. We will out pronoun them!

  • The Chinese people who can't vote out of office their bellicose leaders are gonna suffer a lot in an idiot war they gonna start.

  • Why he just don't say aggression by china. It seems like the United government is afraid of China.

  • Why was the old rusty spy boat of the US doing in China's territory? There was no need for the spy boat to travel thousands of miles from the US all the way to China.

  • The Chinese PLAN should sail their Type055 super destroyers to within 20 miles of the US coastline and do freedom of navigation, let the bully taste its own medecine!

  • Its not aggresiveness but assertness as a nation your making words that is different vfrom each other ok

  • The spy balloon traveled across the USA so the Chinese know what their planning So anyway how much is the bets going for it involves Aliens and USA is laughing in our faces till we know about the alien issues

  • Liar. I am pretty positive the u.s. gubbernment and Nato are the ones starting 99% of all conflict.

  • 👩‍👩‍👧China brings prosperity, investment and unconditional help to all the nations of the world. The British, France and Unite States bring weapons, war and destruction to all the nations of the world and after the destruction of your country the monarchy the elite used the USA-British-France-ARMY to secure the robbery of your country natural resources.🚆

  • China is defending and the US is the wrong one here, don't @ me

  • Kurby should sincerely make it clear who is the real aggressor when US SPY plane n destroyer knocking at China doorstep!!!!!! How if Chinese spy plane n navy vsl sailing to US doorstep…….

  • How many Russian and Chinese sappers are getting to invade or attack Alaska or its pipeline ?

  • The real problem with people in power is they start wars they really have no intention of fighting. So then they end up looking stupid at a podium. Now do you know who the real president is? It’s the state department not bumbling stupid idiot, Biden.

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