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  • Open for dialog by water canon and bullying and now the is the one provoking. Pure b s if Philippines is a friend then act appropriately.

  • Cari compagni Cinesi non fatevi fare provocazione da questi miserabile che si nascodono dietro gli Imperialisti Usa dadeli una bella lezione così capiscono con chi anno accheffare così capiranno anche gli altri ❤❤❤❤

  • Big bro big world 😊 mr big and bright china mr big mountain and mr everything to live to love.

  • Hahaha nobody is believing bully china…china against internatiomal law…no one believing yoir 9 dashline

  • China get out of all Asian nations territorial waters and stay in your own territorial waters. Your 9 dash line is invalid and illegal according to the United Nations Security Council

  • Who is attacking Philippines Fisherman – the USA? The USA is protecting the Philippines but if the Philippines wants to have the ability to defend itself then it needs to change its constitution to allow and even encourage foreign investment. If Philippines takes this simple step investment from all over the world will pour unto the Philippines as countries and companies de-risk their investments in China – the taxes and jobs generated from these investments will turn the Philippines from a struggling nation into an economic powerhouse that will rival China in a decade. China knows this which is why China keeps many foreign journalists and influencers on their payroll. The last thing China wants for India, Philippines, and Indonesia to be serious economic competitors.

  • Spreading lies is China. Not following UNCLOS. United Nations is just watching 😢😢😢

  • china is not a friend to majority of asean nations

  • China already stirred trouble long ago when they militarise and occupy some Islands.

  • Chinese officials like you madam are sublime liars,china is a territorial grabber…

  • When you got so used to home that you try to bully and harass other countries not thinking they would stand up and hold their ground, so you play the victim and start "accusing" them. I don't know anymore if the CCP is truly a tiger or just a child at this point

  • Philippines Please stop Bullying China, by using Water Cannon, Dangerous Manouvers,sending Militia Vessels and Bullying China's Fishermen. You are Provoking China.😂😂😂

  • Indian & Russian navy ships recently visited the Philippines…seems they were also guilty of colluding with the Philippines.

  • This Chinese foreign minister is a “MORON” only in Chinese government believes that they own the whole sea.

  • Chinese the only people believes what Beijing says against Philippines,,but the rest of the world knows Who is greedy and bully 😢😂

  • EEZ ng pinas Yan mahiya kayo tsikwa inaangkin KC nyo ang Hindi inyo mapanglamang kayo ng kapwa tao nyo at masama yang ginagawa nyo

  • I'm pleading for China to stop selling their products to the Philippines or stop trading with the Philippines if indeed you're angry with the country! Anyway, your products have no longevity just superficially and aesthetically attractive at the beginning! Stop connecting with us idiots! 🤯🙄🧠

  • CHINAZI Artificial islands with military base ?


  • The territory within the EEZ of the Philippines should be called as what Filipinos calls it as West Philippines Sea and not South China Sea.

  • Artificial Island tanggalin na yan kung di tanggalin mga Chinese citizen tanggalin sa pilipinas

  • ha ha ha before chinese are laughing at us filipinos because the chinese think they own the world but now the chinese are crying accusing philippines of provoking. cry baby cry

  • Philippines is not intervening the issues about south china sea, Philippines is concerned our territory boundaries the west Philippines sea

  • The correct title is: China accuses Philippines of stirring trouble within Philippine EEZ.

  • may nuclear na ang nilagay sa pilipinas para kong gira madali lang mapulbos ang CHINA lihim nilagay nila sa Philippines kong saan ang mga base military ng USA

  • What if the philippines send their warship and coastguard in the coast of mainland china and then philippines tell them this is our territory what did they feel?? 😂

  • That territorial dispute is very close to the Philippines yet very far far away from china, whos the bully now china?

  • After torturing these helpless Pilipino Fishermen for years, These crooks even have the guts to accuse the Philippines of provocations. What are they trying to prove here?

  • No troubles if china respect the hague ruling on UNCLOS china ignores the ruling

  • This surely solidifies China as the "Karen of the South China Sea." Playing the victim as always!

  • After bombing water canon the boats of philippines,they are accusing Philippines???????We are not the same as you Chinese,doing awful things to our fishermen for years……They never fight back….We know act properly……Don't accuse us with things you are doing to us🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

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