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BREAKING: IDF RAID on Hamas HQ Results in MAJOR Terrorist Casualties | TBN Israel

TBN Israel’s Yair Pinto reports on the Israel-Hamas War. In the last 24 hours, the IDF has carried out significant operations against …


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  • Must you use those harsh, phlegmy, grating sounds instead of a soft “h?” Nobody likes that sound except Israelis and Eastern Ashkenazi Jews. Bottom line, it’s fluffing inconsiderate. JUST STOP. Thank you.

  • video or it didn't happen.

    we know y'all lie consistently.

  • Real Christians (not phony ones like Joe Biden) in the USA support and pray for Israel and all Jewish people because we know you are God’s chosen people and he will deal with us according to how we deal with Israel.

  • You are 100% correct.
    My point, of which is very or extremely important is to clearl portray the quran and within to identify that the Islamic belief is fake/ false or not.
    Trusting in humanity is like trusting the beast of the devil and people need to realise how tricky/deceitful this antisocial spirit is .
    Israel war is everybody's war its a spiritual war and it is now more than ever to help everyday Muslims to understand that they may have been mislead buy their own faith in their own trust of it by the very people that they put their trust in.
    Hamas / others appear to be following a evil path and if i am being educated by the very questionable quran then hamas / others already know and death to all others eg non believers, is their priority, therfore as proven in the past , the past the past they canot be trusted and every ceasefire, they have broken, .
    Whats more they hid their faces , surely this is a indication they are deceitful.
    Sadly the idf , being portrayed in the wrong light , have to do their job with was forced on them buy defending their country.
    If i am learing then many others , world wide are learning to , but it appears to be the irresponsible programs from governments of whom also need to understand the quran.
    God be with all of you , your fight is our fight and yes together we all have a spiritual war and we can prove our God ❤

  • Thank God..Glory to our living God..God bless Israel..We continuously prayed for Israel's protection and safety.

  • Yeah looking for money , fake jews, using the TBN fake Christianity money mongering channel

  • Hamas have just as much blood if not more on their hands as Netanyahu. Hiding among children like cowards.

  • 🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑😢

  • Support Israeli citizens and the idf to the fullest but aipac has to go from American politics…..0 racism and shouldnt even be an acceptable accusation

  • Selling stories please donate 😂😂😂😂😂

  • قوم منبوذ في العالم باسره ، فلسطين حرة

  • Lord, as Shavuot approaches, we know You are watching out for Your people for You never change. You are the Eternal One on whom we depend. Father, the hearts of Your redeemed saints watch on, filled with expectations we see Your Word unfolding before our eyes. Let it be known, there is none like You! Amen

  • Thank you Yair Pinto for a credible report, but just be attentive,when UN reports this terrorist Hamas casualties,will be reported as women and children.

  • God bless Israel n Jerusalem 🙏🙏

  • Praying for Israel. God Bless Israel. An entire city underground Gaza & the entire world look at these tunnels praying for peace in Jerusalem as an underground subway from any big city ?

  • We are on an unstoppable slide into the new world order and the reign of the antichrist.

  • Thanks 🙏 Yair Pinto for the information. We Christians in Nigeria continue to pray for God's protection and peace of Jerusalem. We love Israel ❤❤, Shalom Great Israel

  • เรารักอิสราเอล ขอให้ประเทศอิสราเอลจงเจริญ และเราก็รักประเทศสหรัฐ รักผู้นำโจไบเดน

  • You can’t even call this a war. Israel is simply purging the region of terrorists. Hamas couldn’t fight its way out of a wet paper bag. They’re just hiding behind civilians

  • We know you are telling us the truth.
    Revin Evans
    Queensland Australia

  • Laban esrael hanggang kataposan,dahil kapag manalo ang hamas mas grabe pa sa holelocost, wag , ninyong tantanan laban mahal kong esrael

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