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  • Zionist rule in life is play victims all the time… Zionist killing innocent children and civilians is not self defense

  • Sebab perjuangan kita tidak melawan darah dan daging akan tetapi kita melawan penghulu penghulu dinia roh roh jahat di udara yang paling jahat. IDF dan tentera AS lainnya Tuhan Yesus Kristus menyertai anda ❤

  • Israelis looking for sympathy? Really? That’s laughable. Nearly 40,000 dead Palestinians. What is wrong with you?

  • Bro u ain’t got to explain crap. We experience this crap everyday

  • Meanwhile, they want the world to feel sorry for Palestinians; how dare they!

  • Civilians were given weapons in the begining of the war with Hamas why not use weapons to counter terorist

  • Those cult don't know the words peace…peace for them only when they feel weak.but they Will continue attacking when they feel strong enough.that is what is taught in their books.

  • Praying for israel peace and security praying for you yair for your safety

  • Imagine this , you are having dinner with your children at the kitchen table and the Israelis idf randomly drops bombs without warning on your heads can those European imagine the distruction they have caused this guy talks about 1 dead and the idf with the united states have killed 36 or more thousand civilians and they cry for one pure B,S

  • US forces are Saudi Arabia Qatar Jordan Syria Israel Iraq. German will send 500 Tanks to Israel. ISIS was created Türkiye Egypt Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Orthodox according to the information.TORA, enlisting in any armed forces is a great sin, perhaps it would be more advisable for Zahunistes from 18 to 65 years of age to be obliged. Women should not go into the armed forces of any ethnicity. Remember Mosques Churches Temples of Prophets are the Lord's house. Türkiye lost the election And the EU and US sent war material to Ukraine: they sold out

  • Why is un only talking about palestine well being and not lsraelis. And un is not concerned with lsrael hostages why? A l jazella is also biased why is it not showing what hamas's fighting back at lsrael rafah and hospital were hamas is hiding. Pse IDF, & Govt never relent until hostages are rescued. Hamas must surrender only then should lsrael men & women of valour must withdraw.YHWH is with lsraeli. Simple Amen.

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TechTrends Tom

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