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  • As a practicing psychiatrist and the producer of this film, I have always wanted to make a film on mental health educating the community about the stigma surrounding the mental illness and the intricacies of mental health system. Grateful to Garret Morgan for helping me realize this passion project.
    It is truly heartwarming to get such insightful feedback from all of you.
    Please share this film with your friends, your family, your community.
    Thanks, everyone.

  • What keeps me from accomplishing anything is my lack of drive many times.

  • Mental health, just like physical health, emotional health, and even spiritual health is a very real and relevant issue.

    But I have some concerns with all of the "label flinging" especially when it comes to these sensitive topics…

    I've experienced things that confirmed to me that changes are drastically needed to the mental health care system in the U.S.

    A message to anyone out there struggling with anything right now… You are definitely not alone. But also trust your heart and trust that even the smallest step can be considered a great accomplishment; It's all about perspective.

    Just one more day … Just see what happens. Try your best. Pay no mind to what the naysayers say.

    This is your life. ~<33 🌹 and it is valuable, because you are unique and one of a kind. God knows this, even if you don't truly believe this right now, and that's okay. This is part of what makes you and I human —we are always trying to figure things out lol 🙂🙏💜

  • I used to pay $300 for a medication that was nothing but 1Oz of sugar water called insulin. Rich countries are controlled by pharmaceutical in America low income people are considered dead man walking. We are busy tumbling down other democracies so no money to help our people. Biden sent already 17 Billions of dollar to Israel in order to commit genocide and ethnically cleanse them but no penny to reform mental illness, homeless people or build housing.

  • Why was there sinister laughter when they first showed the tunnel? 😏

  • When the day comes that we look at mental illness as any illness like we look at diabetic, taking insulin. Then they’ll be better treatment

  • Just like the wood artist look how he flourishes…our brains weren't meant for this government run psychological warfare is what it mite as well be. We are in crisis world wide but keep wanting iphones and the next technology keep demanding more of our people than we were meant to be forced and boxed to. We were meant to love and care for one another to create for community. Neurodivergency is a crisis mental health is what comes from boxed in school curriculums abuse to our brains abuse at home from stressed parents forced to 50 hour work weeks to not even survive. God help us all… When will everyone just stop just shut the shit down and stop. It's not a matter of wanting to do better it's capacity its neurological hell caused by man.

  • i almost cried into tears while watching the video , i was able hold it , i suffer social phobia and severe depression btw and thanks for making that video , the least i can do is to sub , do too if you watch guys

  • I was diagnosed with bpd 2 years ago and 3 days ago i bought my medication that was 40$ which is A LOT where I'm from (Serbia)but I'm actively trying to get better , yesterday i wanted to relaps soooo bad was feeling extremely s*icadal, crying, wanting and needing a hug but also felt like I'm weak because of it,and today I'm positive and trying to make people's day. It kind of brings me hope but also dread that it will forever be a constant loop of extreme highs and lows.

  • I think mental illness is birthed out of capitalism and competition and corporations for profit at all costs. We have to fight this evil force.

  • I like you doctor lathia you seem like a very caring doctor. I wish you were my doctor.

  • I like you doctor lathia you seem like a very caring doctor. I wish you were my doctor.

  • I pray for you Nathan. God loves you and I love you my brother.

  • Uk is not a lot better however moved to Doncaster a few months a go.l am getting the right help now

  • Canada becoming like US. Care is so difficult to get including mental health. Montreal system is so broken. People die on waiting lists that are inhumane. Not having a Dr to properly follow u is "normal" here. and lets not get started on language for english treatment. Plus everything is becoming private like the in the US. My Dr left to go private and its been more depressing then ever just trying to get the help i need while paying such high costs of living and taxes for what ?

  • 6:40 Freddy I completely understand your metaphor of a toxic friend named ADHD. ❤

  • Reading the comments has been very helpful for me. I realize I'm not as alone as I thought I was. And I'm actually a lot better off than more than I thought🤔

  • I find it very strange that the psychiatrists at mental hospitals are all Indians. Very weird.

  • Shock therapy freaks me the fuck out. It's like being tortured by the Vietcong.

  • Medicine is free here in Scotland if I had to pay I'd be dead no one in a rich country should pay for vital medicines

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